Dave Wesely
9 min readDec 15, 2021


Charging Station
Photo by J Dean on Unsplash

To understand how to charge our EVs, we need to know what kind of chargers are available and where they should be placed. The reality is, there is little need for public charging. But when it is needed, it’s critical to have it fast enough and in the locations desired.

Unfortunately, a lot of the information about electric car charging is all over the map. There’s all sorts of names for plugs and chargers: Type one, Type two, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, J-1772, J-plug, CCS/SAE, CHAdeMo, Tesla, KiloWattHours, KiloWatts, AmpHours, KiloVoltAmps, NEMA 19–50, it’s all a chocolate mess.

It gives the perception that buying an EV is not only more expensive, but much more difficult to accommodate into your routine, when it’s not.

In reality there are just four types: Trickle charging, Slow charging, Fast charging, and Rapid charging. Done.

Trickle chargers come with your car and can be used for about 95% of your driving needs. They plug into a regular electrical outlet and add about 40 miles of range for every 10 hours of charge (overnight).

Slow chargers can be added to your house and they appear at most public charging spots around town. They use the same amount of power as your oven. With a good slow charger, you can add about 250 miles of range with every 10 hours of charge.



Dave Wesely

Farm raised, Computer tech, ENTP. Trying to see the big picture in what our future holds. In search of solutions, not scandals.