Dave Winer ☮
1 min readOct 13, 2015


Hi Jamie!

Thanks for the quick response, sorry I missed it at first, I don’t have Medium integrated into my reading loop, I still have to learn how that works. ;-)

The question of feeds and titles has a long history. In the early days of my blog, I produced items without titles and some with titles, mostly without. That’s why RSS has the flexibility to allow them or not, as you have evolved Medium to work that way, too. I’ve long strongly believed that it was the way to go.

I am working on a new blogging tool that has that property too. Now that Google Reader has gone away, it was one of the biggest enforcers of the all-posts-must-have-titles rule, and Twitter of course doesn’t have titles on posts (I bet that’s about to change, btw) and Facebook has a mixed opinion about this as well, the world seems to finally be getting back on track, to where it was in 1999. ;-)

Anyway, I didn’t know about the workaround for IFTTT, and I didn’t stumble across your recipe. I will try out your recommendation and report back on the results.




Dave Winer ☮

Developed first blogging software, RSS and podcasting, outliners, web CMS. Media hacker. Boot strapper. Writer. Academic. Friendly. :-)