Dave Wreford
4 min readMay 3, 2024

“Metabolic Mastery: Empowering Your Cancer Journey” Series.


Hi this is Dave. Welcome to the Metabolic Cancer Series — a collection of articles dedicated to unraveling the metabolic mystery of cancer and exploring the transformative power of the metabolic approach to cancer care. As we embark on this journey together, I invite you to join me in confronting the challenges of cancer with courage, resilience, and hope. Through shared experiences, insights, and strategies, we aim to empower individuals affected by cancer to take control of their health and well-being. Together, let us navigate the complexities of cancer and forge a path towards healing and vitality. Join me on my “cancer journey” as we embark on this journey of discovery and transformation.

Article 1. Unraveling the Metabolic Mystery: Understanding Cancer as a Metabolic Disease


In the realm of cancer research and treatment, there’s a paradigm shift underway — a shift from viewing cancer solely as a genetic disease to recognizing its metabolic underpinnings. This shift in perspective holds profound implications for how we understand, manage, and treat cancer. Join me on a journey as we unravel the metabolic mystery behind cancer and discover the transformative power of the metabolic approach to cancer care.

Understanding Cancer’s Metabolic Nature:

Traditionally, cancer has been perceived as a genetic disease, with mutations in DNA driving its development and progression. However, emerging research is shedding new light on cancer’s metabolic nature. At its core, cancer is a disease of dysregulated metabolism — a disruption in the intricate biochemical processes that govern cellular energy production, growth, and proliferation. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells exhibit altered metabolic pathways, favoring rapid energy production and biomass synthesis to fuel their unchecked growth.

The Role of Metabolism in Cancer Progression:

Metabolism lies at the heart of cancer progression, influencing every stage of the disease — from initiation to metastasis. Dysregulated metabolism provides cancer cells with a survival advantage, enabling them to thrive in hostile environments and resist conventional treatments. By targeting the metabolic vulnerabilities of cancer cells, we can disrupt their growth and proliferation, opening new avenues for therapeutic intervention.

Harnessing the Metabolic Approach to Cancer Care:

The metabolic approach to cancer care represents a paradigm shift in how we conceptualize and treat this complex disease. Rather than focusing solely on targeting cancer cells with toxic therapies, the metabolic approach seeks to rebalance the body’s internal environment, creating conditions that are inhospitable to cancer growth. Through dietary interventions, lifestyle modifications, and targeted therapies, we can starve cancer cells of their fuel source while supporting the body’s innate healing mechanisms.

Empowering Patients with Knowledge:

Empowering patients with knowledge is a cornerstone of the metabolic approach to cancer care. By understanding the metabolic drivers of cancer and adopting strategies to optimize metabolic health, individuals can play an active role in their own healing journey. From dietary changes to stress management techniques, there are myriad ways to support metabolic wellness and enhance treatment outcomes.

Embracing Hope and Possibility:

As we delve deeper into the metabolic mystery of cancer, we uncover a landscape rich with hope and possibility. By embracing the metabolic approach to cancer care, we empower ourselves to reclaim control of our health and rewrite the narrative of cancer. Join me on my “cancer journey, and together, let us embark on this transformative journey towards healing and wellness.

Look out for Article 2. in this Series — Fueling Your Fight: The Role of Nutrition in Metabolic Cancer Therapy


In closing, I invite you to explore the pages of the book I wrote after extensive research into all aspects of cancer, as well as my personal experience having been diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cancer back in 2016. “The Introductory Guide to Beating Cancer the Metabolic Way,” available on Amazon Kindle. This comprehensive guide offers invaluable insights and practical strategies for implementing the metabolic approach to cancer care in your own life. Together, let us unravel the metabolic mystery of cancer and embark on a path towards healing and vitality.


About the Author.

I, Dave Wreford, would like to provide a disclaimer regarding the articles I have authored on the topic of cancer and metabolic therapies. While I have extensive experience as a Cancer Research Analyst and Certified Life Coach specializing in metabolic cancer support, I am not a medical doctor, oncologist, or certified healthcare practitioner.

My expertise in the field of cancer research and metabolic therapies stems from 18 years of dedicated study and personal experience as a two-time Stage 4 Metastatic Cancer survivor. Through my own journey and research, I have gained valuable insights into the metabolic approach to managing, controlling, and treating cancer. These insights have informed the content of the articles I have written, which aim to provide education, support, and guidance to individuals seeking alternative and complementary approaches to cancer care.

It is important to note that the information presented in these articles is intended for educational and informational purposes only. While I strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content, readers should consult with qualified healthcare professionals before implementing any changes to their cancer treatment or management plans. Every individual’s cancer journey is unique, and what works for one person may not be suitable for another.

Furthermore, the views and opinions expressed in these articles are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of any organizations, institutions, or individuals mentioned or referenced. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

In summary, while I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences to empower others on their cancer healing journey, I urge readers to exercise caution and seek personalized medical advice when making decisions about their cancer care. My goal is to provide support and inspiration to those affected by cancer, but ultimately, each individual is responsible for their own healthcare decisions and outcomes.