David Harrison
David Harrison

I have now been writing consistently for over five years, I started as a way to keep my mind active while recovering from a long term illness and found it a great way to get out how I was feeling. I wanted to try and help people get through similar illnesses and decided to put that in the format of a book, this book was called "Shingles to M.E." Prior to this I had a long a successful career in I.T and lived in a small town in Suffolk, England. I now live in the Highlands of Scotland and have used my new surroundings to help write my latest book UES Excalibur, which is a science fiction novel based in my local area. In addition to these two books I have also been writing a blog and update it on a regular basis on a range of topics from vacations I have in Scotland to how I live on a gluten free diet. Moving forward I am looking to write a fantasy novel based on family ancestry.

Connect with David Harrison
David Harrison

David Harrison

Hi everyone I am a writer based in the Highlands of Scotland in the city of Inverness, I have a degree in Scottish History and use some of this in my writing.