Can ThymoQuin, a main ingredient in Cannabiquin, help with Arthritis? (take 2)

Dave Young
3 min readNov 6, 2019

ThymoQuin and full spectrum hemp oil are the main ingredients in Cannabiquin. I have been doing research and trying to learn as much as I can about these ingredients, but I am no scientist. I am not a doctor. But, when I wrote my most recent article and let my wife read it she told me that it was scientific and she got bored with it. If you want to see what bored her, here it is.

I don’t want to bore people, so I thought maybe I would try something different.

The question I posed was, can Cannabiquin help with arthritis? I have already seen a plethora of information lately about hemp oil and cbd helping people with arthritic pain and swelling and generally helping them with quality of life. I had not however, heard much about ThymoQuin which is the other ingredient in Cannabiquin, so I went to TriNutra’s website and found out all sorts of info!

I found this research paper on the site that shows a bunch of the research that went into ThymoQuin and I dove in. I went straight to the studies that have to do with arthritis. I found that according to these studies, Nigella sativa oil, does help with pain, inflammation, swelling, disease activity and more.

My wife’s assessment of my previous article reminds me that the average person doesn’t want to read through all the scientific stuff, they just want to know if the product will help them or not. Period.

I believe the answer to be yes. Yes, Cannabiquin can help. Of course as I said at the beginning of this article, I am no doctor or scientist, but these studies all seem to point to this conclusion.

If you plan to try CBD, you should think instead in terms of full spectrum hemp oil. CBD is only one phytocannabinoid found in the hemp plant and we as humans have an endocannabinoid system so why not reap the benefits from the entire plant instead of just one isolate?

Then, if you are going to use hemp oil, you should also benefit from the synergistic effects of ThymoQuin with it. The hemp oil is good by itself and ThymoQuin is good by itself, but together the benefits are greater.

I honestly think that Cannabiquin is going to help so many people with all sorts of problems. I feel like I’m only scratching the surface.

*****These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.********

Please feel free to check out these products that benefit from the synergy of ThymoQuin.

If you have any questions or want to just reach out, please feel free:



