Kubernetes (K8s) Overview

David Hanson
9 min readSep 22, 2023



Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services that facilitates declarative configuration and automation. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available.

Kubernetes Components

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates containerized applications’ deployment, scaling, and management. It comprises several key components that create a highly scalable and resilient environment. The main parts of Kubernetes are:

Master Node Components
Worker Node Components
Optional Add-on Components
Kubernetes Component Deployment Diagram

Deployment Options for Kubernetes

Two options are available when deciding on Kubernetes’s deployment model: Managed Kubernetes and Open-Source Kubernetes. Several factors must be considered when choosing between managed Kubernetes (K8s) versus open-source Kubernetes. Here are some guidelines to help you make the decision:

Managed Kubernetes:

A Managed Kubernetes option is a vendor-specific approach with advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons:


1. Simplified management: Managed Kubernetes services abstract away the underlying infrastructure and handle operational tasks such as cluster setup, scaling, upgrades, and monitoring. This allows you to focus more on deploying and managing your applications than addressing the Kubernetes infrastructure.

2. Integration with cloud services: Vendor-specific managed K8s services typically offer seamless integration with other cloud services and features. This includes integration with load balancers, storage solutions, databases, logging, and monitoring services. Leveraging these integrations can simplify application development and improve overall cloud-native capabilities.

3. Scalability and high availability: Managed Kubernetes services often provide built-in scalability features, allowing you to scale your clusters up or down based on demand. They also offer high availability options for control plane components, ensuring better reliability and fault tolerance.

4. Managed security and compliance: Cloud vendors invest heavily in security and compliance, which extends to their managed Kubernetes services. They ensure that the underlying infrastructure is secure, patched, and regularly updated and may offer additional security features such as encryption, network policies, and identity management integration.


1. Vendor lock-in: Using a vendor-specific managed Kubernetes service can create some level of vendor lock-in. The service may have specific APIs, features, or configurations that are proprietary and not fully compatible with other Kubernetes distributions or cloud providers. Migrating to a different provider or a self-managed Kubernetes environment may require significant effort and potentially result in service disruptions.

2. Limited customization: Managed Kubernetes services aim to provide a streamlined and simplified experience, which may limit the level of customization you can achieve. Advanced configuration options or access to specific Kubernetes components may be restricted, impacting your ability to tailor the environment to unique requirements.

3. Cost: Managed Kubernetes services typically cost more than self-managed solutions. You pay for the convenience, automation, and support the cloud vendor provides. Depending on your usage and scaling requirements, the managed service’s cost may be higher than managing the Kubernetes infrastructure yourself.

4. Dependency on the vendor’s performance and availability: Relying on a managed Kubernetes service means your cluster’s performance and availability depend on the vendor’s infrastructure and service uptime. If there are issues or outages with the managed service, it can impact your application availability and performance.

It is essential to weigh these pros and cons against your specific requirements, resources, and priorities when deciding whether to use a vendor-specific managed Kubernetes service. Consider factors such as your team’s expertise, infrastructure needs, desired level of control, flexibility, and long-term plans to determine the best approach for your organization.

Managed Kubernetes Options

A vendor-specific managed Kubernetes (K8s) service provided by cloud vendors like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure has advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons to consider:

1. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS): Amazon EKS is a managed Kubernetes service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It simplifies the deployment, scaling, and management of Kubernetes clusters on AWS. EKS integrates with other AWS services and provides features like automatic scaling, load balancing, and integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for authentication and authorization.

2. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE): Google Kubernetes Engine is a managed Kubernetes service that Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides. GKE offers automated cluster management, seamless scaling, and integration with other Google Cloud services. It provides features like workload identity, cluster auto-upgrades, and managed node groups.

3. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): Azure Kubernetes Service is a managed Kubernetes offering by Microsoft Azure. AKS simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters on Azure. It provides features like automatic scaling, integrated monitoring and logging, and integration with Azure Active Directory for authentication and authorization.

4. IBM Kubernetes Service (IKS): IBM Kubernetes Service is a managed Kubernetes offering by IBM Cloud. IKS allows you to deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters on the IBM Cloud platform. It provides features like automated infrastructure management, integrated logging and monitoring, and integration with other IBM Cloud services.

5. DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS): DigitalOcean Kubernetes is a managed Kubernetes service provided by DigitalOcean. DOKS simplifies deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters on the DigitalOcean cloud platform. It offers automated cluster provisioning, node scaling, and integration with other DigitalOcean services.

These are just a few examples, and other cloud providers may also offer managed Kubernetes services or similar offerings. It is worth exploring the specific features, pricing, and integrations provided by each provider to choose the one that best suits your requirements and infrastructure preferences.

Bespoke Kubernetes:

When an organization or individual chooses a bespoke approach for Kubernetes, it typically means they are building and configuring their Kubernetes cluster and infrastructure from scratch rather than using pre-packaged or managed solutions. This approach allows for greater flexibility and control over the deployment, enabling customization of various aspects such as networking, security, storage, and integration with other tools and services.

1. Customizability and control: Open-source Kubernetes provides maximum flexibility and control over your cluster’s configuration. You can fine-tune various settings, customize networking, and choose the components you want to install. If you have specific infrastructure requirements or want complete control over your cluster’s configuration, open-source Kubernetes allows you to tailor it to your needs.

2. Cost considerations: Managed Kubernetes services typically come with a cost, as you pay for the convenience and managed infrastructure they provide. If you have the resources and expertise to manage and maintain your own Kubernetes cluster, using open-source Kubernetes may be more cost-effective, especially for smaller projects or organizations with budget constraints.

3. Advanced use cases: Open-source Kubernetes lets you experiment with bleeding-edge features and the latest updates directly from the Kubernetes community. If you are working on advanced use cases, require specific Kubernetes versions, or want to contribute to the Kubernetes ecosystem, open-source Kubernetes provides the most flexibility and access to the latest developments.

4. On-premises or hybrid environments: Managed Kubernetes services are typically offered by cloud providers and optimized for running in their respective domains. If you are running Kubernetes on-premises or in a hybrid environment spanning multiple cloud providers, open-source Kubernetes allows you to deploy and manage your clusters across different infrastructures.

Managed or Bespoke Kubernetes

In summary, choose a managed Kubernetes service if you prioritize ease of management, scalability, seamless integration with cloud services, and managed security. On the other hand, opt for open-source Kubernetes if you require customizability, control, and cost optimization, want to experiment with cutting-edge features, or need to deploy in non-cloud environments.

Bespoke Kubernetes Deployment Options

There are several projects and tools available that can help you deploy and manage open-source Kubernetes clusters. Here are a few popular options:

1. kubeadm: kubeadm is a tool provided by the official Kubernetes project that simplifies setting up a Kubernetes cluster. It automates bootstrapping a cluster, initializing control plane nodes, and joining worker nodes. With kubeadm, you can deploy a vanilla Kubernetes cluster on various platforms.

2. kops: kops (Kubernetes Operations) is a command-line tool that assists with creating, upgrading, and managing production-grade Kubernetes clusters on cloud providers such as AWS (Amazon Web Services). It helps automate creating the necessary infrastructure components and configuring the cluster.

3. kubespray: kubespray is an open-source project that enables deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters using Ansible. It supports various operating systems and cloud providers, allowing you to create highly available collections with different configurations. Kubespray provides a flexible and customizable deployment solution.

4. Rancher: Rancher is an open-source Kubernetes management platform that simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters. It offers a user-friendly interface and centralized management and supports various deployment options, including on-premises, cloud providers, and edge environments.

5. Kubasek: Kubasek is a security-focused project that helps secure Kubernetes clusters. It provides a command-line tool to validate Kubernetes YAML files for security best practices, ensuring that your cluster deployments are correctly configured and follow security guidelines.

These are just a few examples, and many other projects and tools can assist with deploying and managing open-source Kubernetes clusters. The choice of instrument depends on your specific requirements, infrastructure, and preferences.

Commercial Tools that Support the Deployment of Open-Source Kubernetes

Additionally, there are commercial tools available that can help deploy and manage open-source Kubernetes clusters. These tools often provide additional features, support, and ease of use compared to using the open-source Kubernetes deployment options directly. Here are a few examples:

1. Rancher: Rancher, mentioned earlier as a Kubernetes management platform, offers a commercial version called Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE). RKE simplifies the deployment of Kubernetes clusters across different environments and provides advanced features like high availability, backup and restore capabilities, and integrated security features.

2. Red Hat OpenShift: Red Hat OpenShift is a commercially supported Kubernetes distribution. It builds on open-source Kubernetes and provides an enterprise-grade platform for deploying and managing containerized applications. OpenShift includes additional features such as an integrated container registry, developer tools, security features, and enhanced management capabilities.

3. VMware Tanzu: VMware Tanzu is a suite of products and services that help organizations build, run, and manage Kubernetes-based applications. Tanzu includes tools like Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG), which provides a consistent and secure way to deploy and operate Kubernetes across multiple clouds and on-premises environments. It also offers management and observability tools like Tanzu Mission Control and Tanzu Observability.

4. Platform9 Managed Kubernetes (PMK): Platform9 provides a commercial offering called PMK that simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters across various environments. PMK offers centralized monitoring, backup and disaster recovery, multi-cluster management, and integration with popular cloud providers.

5. D2iQ Konvoy: D2iQ Konvoy is a commercial Kubernetes distribution that aims to simplify the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters. It provides automated infrastructure provisioning, simplified upgrades, and advanced networking and storage features. Konvoy also offers additional components and tools to enhance Kubernetes operations.

These commercial tools typically offer enterprise-level support, enhanced features, and user-friendly interfaces to streamline the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters. They are often designed to address specific enterprise needs, such as scalability, security, and ease of use. Consider evaluating these tools based on your requirements, budget, and desired support level.


In an organization preparing to adopt Kubernetes, “disruption” refers to the potential challenges, changes, and disruptions that may arise during the adoption process and the subsequent transformation of the organization’s infrastructure, workflows, and culture. Adopting Kubernetes often involves significant shifts in technology, processes, and mindset, which can impact various aspects of the organization. Here are some areas where disruption may occur:

1. Infrastructure: Kubernetes introduces a new way of managing and orchestrating applications, which may require changes to the existing infrastructure. The organization may need to reevaluate its networking, storage, and computing architecture to align with Kubernetes requirements. This may involve learning new technologies and adopting cloud-native infrastructure components.

2. Application architecture: Kubernetes promotes a microservices-based architecture, decomposing applications into smaller, independent services. Adopting Kubernetes may require redesigning or refactoring existing monolithic applications into a more distributed and modular architecture. This can disrupt existing development practices, deployment strategies, and inter-service communication patterns.

3. Processes and workflows: Kubernetes changes deployment, scaling, and management practices. Traditional deployment processes may need to be modified or replaced with containerization, container orchestration, and continuous delivery practices. DevOps workflows and collaboration between development and operations teams may need to be adjusted to accommodate the new Kubernetes ecosystem.

4. Skillset and training: Organizations adopting Kubernetes often need to invest in training and upskilling their teams to understand the concepts, tools, and best practices associated with Kubernetes. Existing personnel may need to learn new containerization, container orchestration, and cluster management skills. This disruption can impact productivity during the learning and adaptation phase.

5. Cultural shift: Kubernetes adoption may require a cultural change within the organization. It encourages a more collaborative, agile development, operations, and infrastructure management approach. This shift may involve breaking down silos, promoting cross-functional teams, embracing automation, and adopting a “fail fast, learn fast” mindset.

6. Change management: Introducing Kubernetes requires effective change management practices to ensure a smooth transition. It’s crucial to communicate the benefits, goals, and impacts of Kubernetes adoption to stakeholders, manage expectations, and address any resistance or concerns that may arise during the process.

While Kubernetes offers numerous benefits, it is essential to be prepared for the potential disruptions accompanying its adoption. Adequate planning, training, and organizational readiness can help minimize the impact of these disruptions and ensure a successful transition to a Kubernetes-based infrastructure.

