Kagame Has Sent a Team of Scientists to Help Sri Lanka Deal with Worms Destroying Crops

David Himbara
Jan 2, 2021


I was not aware that Rwanda had any scientists. Apparently, Rwandan head of state Paul Kagame sent a team of six scientists to Sri Lanka to assist in stopping the spreading of worm caterpillars that are destroying crops. Headed by a Brigadier General from Rwandan military, the Kagame team of scientists are working with the Sri Lankan farmers to resolve the crisis. According to reports, it is Sri Lanka’s head of state, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, who asked Kagame to send Rwandan scientists to help end the worm menace. Stay tuned.



David Himbara

Educator, Author, and Consultant in Socioeconomic Development & Governance. Affiliated Scholar at New College, University of Toronto, Canada. 🇨🇦