Kagame Just Exposed His Own Boldfaced Lie of Industrializing Rwanda and Ending the Dependency on Foreign Philanthropic Donations

David Himbara
5 min readOct 21, 2023


On October 6, 2023, General Paul Kagame looked Reed Hastings straight in the face and sheepishly thanked the American billionaire for his philanthropic donations to Rwanda. Kagame announced that Hastings’ donations will enable Rwandans to finally afford buy a smartphone for 20 American dollars. There was a moment of silence with @Kagame looking shamefaced – he had just exposed his own boldfaced lie of industrializing @Rwanda and ending the dependency on foreign philanthropic donations.

For the past decade, he proclaimed that his Made-In-Rwanda ambition of building textiles, computers, smartphones, and automobiles was mission accomplished. So confident was Kagame that he provoked a fierce trade war with the United States in 2018. That is when Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania announced a ban on used clothing and footwear exports from the US.

On realizing that they would lose African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) which provides African countries with duty-free access to the U.S. market for over 1,800 products, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda reversed their decision to ensure that their duty-free privileges in the US remained intact. Kagame would have none of this stating that he will proceed with the ban on used clothes despite the US threats to respond in kind by suspending Rwanda’s AGOA benefits.

It comes as no surprise that the proclamation of building textile, computer, automobile and smartphone industries was a big lie. Full stop. 🛑 Let us now see how Kagame got caught in his own trap, beginning with his begging bowl for philanthropic donations from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Netflix. Here are Kagame’s own words delivered on October 16, 2023:

“Many thanks to philanthropic support from Reed Hastings, the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Netflix, Rwandans will be able to acquire a new smartphone for under 20 US dollars.”

The General conveniently ignored his previous boasts about Rwanda’s rapid industrialization. When launching the Mara Phone plant in Rwanda in 2019, Kagame boasted that this was a major landmark in transforming Rwanda into a high-tech Made-in-Rwanda industrial powerhouse. This is how he put it:

“Mara Phones factory is the first of its kind in our continent. The first smartphones ever to be made in Rwanda have already rolled off the assembly line. The Mara Phone joins a growing list of high-quality products that are made in our country. Producing smartphones is not a simple matter. Around one thousand individual components are involved. The Mara Phones plant is therefore a complex manufacturing operation, requiring significant technical skills and expertise. It is another milestone on our journey to high-tech, “made-in-Rwanda” industry…The investment by Mara Phones Group is therefore in perfect harmony with our focus on science and technology as the key drivers of our economic transformation.”

A year earlier when launching what was supposed to be a VW automobile assembly, Kagame boasted:

“Some might have it difficult to believe that German cars could be built in Rwanda. Yet today the first vehicles are rolling off the assembly lines…The VW facility undoubtedly represents a new chapter in Rwanda’s economic transformation…Africa does not need to be a dumping ground for second-hand cars, or second-hand anything…Africa and Rwanda deserve better and this is one way of showing we can afford it.”

In 2017, Kagame announced that Positivo, a Brazilian/Argentinian company would manufacture in Rwanda 60,000 units per month of computers, cellphones and TV sets. The government was to buy most and distribute them across Rwanda to build “Smart Classrooms.” And back in 2011, Kagame announced that he would soon launch a laptop assembly plant to serve the whole of Africa, thereby making Rwanda a global development model.

None of these delusions ever materialized. Perhaps the most embarrassing self-deceptions are the automobile and smartphone manufacturing. There was never a VW plant to make cars in Rwanda. The current Chief Executive Officer of Volkswagen Rwanda is Serge Kamuhinda who previously worked in General Paul Kagame’s office.

General Paul Kagame showing off to Tanzania’s head of Samia Suluhu Hassan (left) with the VW boss Serge Kamuhinda (right), a former Kagame employee

VW Rwanda is a ride-hailing and ride-sharing popularized by Uber, Lyft, Via, and Chariot, an app-based solution offering self-driving or chauffeur-driven services.

Meanwhile, the Made-in-Rwanda Mara smartphone venture never left the drawing board. Full stop.🛑

Kagame launching Mara Phones in 2019

Three years after Kagame boasted of the first Made-in-Africa and Made-in-Rwanda smartphones, the Managing Director of Rwanda Mara Phones, Eddy Sebera, exposed the big lie this way:

“We finished the pilot phase, and now we are getting ready for carrying out what we call large-scale production. We will inform you when we are ready for that.”

Lastly, the catastrophic failure of One-Laptop Per Child and computer manufacturing in Rwanda is summed up in the Auditor General’s reports of 2019 and 2020. Besides the failure in purchasing and distributing the computers across Rwanda, they were largely defective. The 2020 Auditor General’s Report indicated the following:

“During the current year under audit, OAG noted that 1,728 laptops were repaired while 5,518, representing 76% of total defective laptops reported last year had not been repaired.”

The 2019 Auditor General’s report had the following to say about the defective laptops:

“The audit noted 7,246 defective laptops worth FRW1.3 billion. These defective laptops were to be repaired by POSITIVO GBH. However, Inquiry made with management revealed that these laptops had not been repaired at the time of audit in June 2019. POSITIVO GBH delayed to repair them for a period of 384 days.”

The 2017 Auditor General’s Report shows another problem – there was no maintenance plan for the purchased laptops that cost the Rwandan taxpayers US$63.6 million:

“The Government has distributed 274,127 XO laptops worth USD 55,373,654 (equivalent to Frw 47,621,342,440) to primary schools between 2008 and 30 June 2017 and 54,065 other laptops worth Frw 10,241,445,444 (USD 8,378,628.93) to secondary schools from 2015 to 30 June 2017…There is no proper and documented and approved maintenance plan for existing laptops and replacement plan once the current laptops become old…”

Liars eventually get caught, and deservedly so. As for Kagame’s industrialization, it is back to the drawing board. Meanwhile, Rwanda is open for foreign donations. Stay tuned.



David Himbara

Educator, Author, and Consultant in Socioeconomic Development & Governance. Affiliated Scholar at New College, University of Toronto, Canada. 🇨🇦