Travelite Store — a project, a challenge

David Simões
Sounds Good Agency
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2016

Hello everybody!

This is my first post regarding the newest work adventure I’ve been through in the last times. Its name is Travelite Store and it embodies the attempt of a small Design company from Brno, Czech Republic, to use all the acumulated knowledge from the last years in the real (and online) world.

So starting from the beggining who is this company?

Greenwood Ents

We started like “Guardians of the Trees” and now we are a little bit more modern

YES, our name looks like a “stoled” metaphor from The Lord of the Rings because it is actually that! is a Web Design company specialized in ecommerce (not only but also) in Czech Republic. You can find much more information about us in our website, but for our story is important to know that we are new and freshly recognized Shopify Experts. This title and responsability comes after a lot of hardwork that you can see represented in, our platform to help Czech people to implement their stores in Shopify.

Now instead of getting to long speaking about us, I would like to share what we are trying to pull off (don’t worry, I hope to share more about us in the next posts, little by little).

I was hired as a Shopify Expert but come from a totally different area (my last job was in the Audit Recovery field), but Martin which before being my boss is my friend, has a particular pedagogy style. “What is the best way of learning how to assist people with their eshop issues than actually starting your own eshop and try to make it #1 sales in Czech Republic, Slovakia and UK?” I couldn’t and still can’t find a good answer for this question. So TraveliteStore born in our minds as the best way to break through a tough learning curve.

What was the next step?

  1. First of all, we needed to find focus! After one week lost in an attempt of selling only cabin luggages from different brands we realized how much simpler would be to focus on 1 Brand, 1 Supplier, 1 Store! (and hopefully many clients, of course)
  2. Then I had to discover a huge world totally out of my sight until that moment: I shouldn’t became a designer, neither a developer, not even a stock manager or a salesman…Yes, I should learn to became a little bit of all of those! Scared? Mmm, I’d rather say challenged!
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask, but always try to do it for yourself first! I wasn’t born with all the answers to the problems I’ve been facing so I know that asking had to be my favourite task for some time. But to really know how hard it is for the eshopers to run their business, I had to think and act like one. At the first problem I couldn’t and shouldn’t directly ask my dear colleagues developers, designer or marketeers: that would be like hiring somebody all the time which will make this project theoreticly bankrupt even before its start. Therefore I must present you my best assistant: Mr. Google. Exactly the same as you already know! As it is said: if it exists it must be in Google and if you do not find it is because you are looking for it wrongly.

Looking forward to share my next thoughts and steps :)



David Simões
Sounds Good Agency

I help people sell amazing stuff online. Shopify Expert & Founder of | Book me: 👈