How to Recover from a Google Penalty

David Orion
5 min readDec 11, 2023


Being hit with a Google penalty can be an extremely frustrating and damaging experience for any website owner. Your organic traffic likely dropped immediately and significantly overnight leaving you scrambling to understand what happened.

Recovering from Google penalties takes strategic work, often leveraging professional SEO services, to determine the violation, correct issues with your website, and then ultimately convince Google to restore your previous rankings.

What are Google Penalties?

Google penalties fall under the manual enforcement actions category referred to as “manual actions”. These penalties or demotions in rankings occur because Google has detected violations of its strict search quality guidelines.

Some of the top reasons sites receive penalties include thin or low-quality content, spammy backlinking strategies, technical problems like loading errors, security issues like malware, or even overlapping or duplicate content issues. If these issues are widespread and severe enough, Google will often completely remove sites from their search results.

The Different Types of Penalties

When you receive a message in Google Search Console that a manual action has been taken against your site, details will be provided about the specific violation category. Being familiar with these categories makes pinpointing issues easier:

Unnatural links or link scheme: Backlink-based penalties are often related to low-quality links from “link farms” or paid link-building efforts. A disavow list is usually required.

Pure spam: Penalties reserved for the most malicious sites with extreme amounts of thin or copied content, doorway pages, sneaky redirects, affiliate links, or monetization with no value. Often incredibly hard to recover from.

User-generated spam: Spam from comments, forums, wikis, or other areas Google associates with your brand. Comments may need to be removed or moderated more diligently going forward.

Hacking: Manual penalties related to harmful malware detected. Sucuri checks and full-scale cleanup are typically mandatory.

Technical issues: Problems like site errors, broken chains of trust e.g. expired HTTPS certificates or missing redirects can trigger penalties if not corrected quickly.

Thin affiliate content: Affiliate websites providing low-effort product descriptions just to monetize often receive manual penalties. Adding more in-depth unique content is required.

Duplicate or overlapping content on sites: Having identical or barely edited content on multiple domains may be seen as deceptive. The original, most authoritative version is rewarded by Google.

Other algorithmic penalties: More general actions based on toxic link profiles or attempts to manipulate Google’s organic results and credibility. Often requires disavowing spam links using Google tools.

Identifying The Root Cause of Your Penalty

Finding out the specific reason your site has been slapped with a manual penalty is the critical first step to appealing and recovering your lost organic traffic. Carefully check your new messages in Google Search Console for exact details or categories highlighted as concerns.

Large established websites with technical teams should dig into log data to track down the source of hacking issues or problems like duplicate content arising from mergers or migrations between domains.

Smaller sites benefit greatly from a preliminary professional SEO site audit at this stage. The right SEO can analyze links pointing to your website for risky patterns and quality issues as well as provide an in-depth analysis of on-page problems. Their expert eye helps substantially in honing in on problem areas.

Strategies for Different Google Penalty Scenarios

With the core issues identified from Google directly or your analysis, you can map out a recovery plan using these strategy suggestions for common penalty types:

Unnatural Links Penalties

Disavowing toxic links is going to be mandatory here but strategic disavow files must be created using accurate data. Rushing leads to “over disavowing” quality links which harms rankings too. SEO experts can compile disavow lists safely.

For paid or low-quality links, outreach to webmasters facilitating removal is wise even if redirecting to better resources on your site. Future paid link building of any kind should be avoided. Google expects links to form naturally.

Lastly, build additional quality editorial links slowly over time. Comments on industry blogs relevant to your content are a good starting point to improve your linking profile.

Thin Affiliate Content Penalties

Creating and publishing much more in-depth and lengthy content on penalized affiliate sites is highly recommended here. Shoot for 1,500+ word articles on focused topics related to your niche using extensive research and original commentary.

Repurposing the same content across all pages is ineffective. Better to pick domains or site sections with the most revenue potential and overhaul content there first. Quality over quantity rings true.

Hacking and Technical Problems

All malware must be completely removed using reputable scanning tools like Sucuri or WordFence. It can take multiple overlapping scans to detect more sophisticated infections. For other technical problems, site migrations may be required to update platforms, reinforce security, and fix chain of trust issues.

Shorter site outages are probable, especially for legacy platforms like Magento 1. SEO impacts can be minimized by enabling maintenance mode, retaining old redirects, and working off-peak hours.

Spam Manual Actions

These are tricky waters to navigate and avoid making the situation worse. Start by removing user comments enabling visitors to post content while putting in place more robust moderation features before reactivating. Eliminating or consolidating doorway pages, forced redirects and deceptive affiliate recommendations helps convince Google you recognize violations.

Duplicate Content Issues

Consolidate pages with overlapping content by 301 redirecting duplicates into one, canonical page on the domain Google trusts most. The outros can reinforce the singular destination helping avoid confusion and indexing issues.

Google expects webmasters to control copied content issues quickly so taking action demonstrates you prioritizing search quality. Redirecting duplicates also aids site architecture and focuses equity on authoritative domains.

Requesting A Manual Penalty Review

With issues addressed and corrective actions completed, you can now submit a request for a manual review through Google Search Console. Reconsideration requests should cover:

  1. The categories of violations you identified from Google’s messages
  2. The in-depth investigation done into causes with examples
  3. Specific fixes and steps taken to resolve core issues
  4. Ongoing measures to monitor and prevent future violations
  5. Politely request reconsideration of your penalty and inclusion

Well-structured reconsideration requests that follow Google’s guidelines for fixes have a very high success rate for at least partial recovery. Full rescinding of severe manual penalties tends to take many subsequent months of updated requests showcasing your continued improvements, however. Patience and persistently showing Google you meet their strict expectations is key.

Ongoing Recovery With Quality SEO Services

Even once penalties are lifted, recovering lost organic traffic levels typically requires ongoing search optimization efforts over 6–12 months. Quality SEO agencies can significantly accelerate overall recovery through ongoing activities like:

  • Publishing additional optimized, high-value informational content to support earlier thin pages
  • Promoting brand mentions and structured data for rich result types using ethical outreach
  • Developing internal links to tunnel equity and reinforcing site architecture
  • Identifying new semantically related keywords to expand reach

The expertise of an SEO service guides you through prioritizing optimization areas with the most upside. Their insights also help steer upcoming content development and site enhancements for sustaining long-term performance.

Hopefully, these penalty recovery steps and recommendations will help you regain your previous organic visibility and convert searchers again! Let us know if you have any other specific questions.



David Orion

I have 2 years of experience in Search Engine Optimization and Content Marketing. I have been seen on major marketing blogs. Website