Building a new company as a Co-Founder: ArtNight is hiring for new verticals

David Neisinger
2 min readOct 30, 2018


ArtNight is an entertainment company based in Berlin, with operations in 50 cities in 6 countries. We grew rapidly since our inception 2 years ago, thanks to an amazing team effort. While growing ArtNight, we realized, our model -empowering local freelancers to offer exciting events — will work for a lot more topics in addition to art. Thus, we are now looking for motivated Co-Founders to turn ideas into reality.

Join the team!

Entrepreneurship is not all that glamorous. . .

Starting a company might look glamorous from the outside — it isn’t. When Aimie and me started ArtNight in October 2016 we crushed our savings accounts and didn’t pay ourselves any salary. We tested every low cost marketing channel there is including illegal flyering at Subway Stations (didn’t work), trying to sell voucher boxes on Christmas markets (didn’t work at all) and spamming family, friends and friends of friends to attend our events (that worked okayish — I think they were really pitying us).

In December 2016 we tried to raise funds from outside investors. Either investors agreed to meet (just kidding, no one wanted to meet), have a phone call (a few), send us a rejection (many) or didn’t reply at all (most).

Emotionally the first 6 months were a huge roller coaster and I gotta admit: it sucked.

… but so rewarding

The tide changed, when our first ArtNight went viral. 120 people attended our first event, we found out which marketing channels work and right at the same time we got accepted to German shark tank. Soon after, as luck had it, we closed an investment round. I think investors started noticing that this wasn’t just a fun project but that we truly believed in it — and took a closer look. They realized the potential of what we are doing through understanding that our events are not just a fun leisure activity: we create opportunities for social interaction.

We now count some of the most exciting German entrepreneurs among our investors including Florian Huber (United Domains), Heiko Rauch (Zanox), Daniel Schütt & Stefan Peukert (Masterplan), Malte Siewert (Trivago), Dr. Georg Kofler (P7S1, Premiere), Mirko Meurer (wkw), Sebstian von Johnston (Vivere) and Christian Gaiser (kaufDA).

To capture the tremendous opportunity in front of us we invite you to join ArtNight as a Co-Founder for one of our new entertainment verticals. You will be given a huge amount of responsibility and become part of a highly motivated, ambitious and talented team.

To apply, please upload your CV and basic information here:

We are excited to get to know you!

