Adding More to Your Home Through Interior Design

David Simonini
3 min readJan 3, 2019


David Simonini is advisor and the Director of Creative Consulting for The Simonini Group. Currently living in Charlotte, North Carolina, he spends much of his time working and consulting with top designers in his industry, sharing ideas and exemplifying leadership as one of the best in the country. He has some suggestions for those who are considering some interior design work on their house.

Choose a Soothing Colour Tone

Choose colours that naturally relax you to decorate your home. Certain colours have been proven to evoke specific emotional responses such as tranquility, rejuvenation, relaxation, etc. These can be chosen and creatively woven into your interior design to add a positive psychological benefit to your home.

Consider A No-Technology Zone

Many people have become “constant checkers” of their phones, tablets or computers. All day long, dozens of times every hour, people find themselves turning to their device to see what might be new on social media or in the news. In a world of constant connectivity, some people are craving some time to unplug and relax, therefore a zone in your house created specifically for that is something to consider. This could be a cozy little reading nook, or a window space overlooking your property. Some people even designate their bedrooms to be a no-technology space, so that they are not sleeping with their phones next to them or falling asleep to the television. They often find that this increases the quality of their sleep.

It’s hard to relax in a house that is full of clutter, or when it’s hard to find the things that you’re looking for. A big part of doing interior design projects is learning how to minimize clutter and maximize space, as well as utilizing organizational tips and tools creatively to help you stay clean and tidy. Getting organized can become a piece to your interior design project, as everything from your shelving to your boxes and bins can fit into the theme of the space that you’re working with.

Add Indoor Plants

There are so many benefits to adding plants and greenery to your home, aside from the beautiful decorative taste. Plants act as natural air filters and humidifiers. They have a calming effect on people and reduce psychological stress.

Tell A Story with Your Interior Design

The look of the room or the space that you are working on should tell a story about yourself and your home. It should reflect who you are, but also be functional and easy to live in. A space can welcome guests in and make them feel comfortable, but also give them an immediate sense of who owns the home and what their style and personality is — either as an individual or a family. An interior designer plays an integral part in getting to know the customer that they are working for to achieve this goal.
When David Simonini works with interior design projects, he is going over all these focuses to ensure that his customer is satisfied with the result and can be happy and content with their home each and every time they walk into a room. It is David’s goal to help bring a dream conception to life through the artistic and technical roles of interior design with The Simonini Group. In the trendy, fast paced and frequently adapting industry, David Simonini is a leader when it comes to creative design work and shares his wealth of knowledge for the purpose of enhancing the possibilities and results in each designed home.

Originally published at on January 3, 2019.



David Simonini

David Simonini is the Director of Creative Consulting for The Simonini Group. He is an expert builder in Charlotte, North Carolina.