How to Add a Button to a Classic Report in Oracle Apex

Nii Tetteh Adjirackor
2 min readApr 29, 2024


A classic report is a formatted result of a SQL query. Classic report creation is supported by both the Create Application Wizard and Create Page Wizard. By default, end users cannot directly customize a classic report except for sorting and simple filtering. We can however with some add a button to a classic report with the following steps:

I am going to assume a classic report has already been created so i will skip that process. In your classic report, right click on the columns section of the classic report and choose Create Virtual Column to create another column.

This column will be created with a Type Link. Change the Type of the column to Plain Text.

A button can be created using the button builder which is part of the Oracle Apex Universal Theme. This is the link . Select the different options in the button builder to create a button of your choice. After you have a button of choice copy the content in Entire Markup section.

Paste this in the HTML Expression section of the virtual column created and click ok.

Click save to save the changes made to the page.

The classic page should look like this with the new buttons.



Nii Tetteh Adjirackor

Oracle Apex & Web Developer interested in documentation and database systems. I write for the purposes of documentation. Bi-weekly posts on my medium 👩‍💻