Event Organizers Need to Be Collaboration Artists to Be Taken Seriously

David Adler
3 min readApr 9, 2023


by David Adler, Author — Harnessing Serendipity

A new book on the power of human gatherings and the art of making them effective
Harnessing Serendipity

My work co-creating a new book called “Collaboration Artists, Conveners and Connectors on Harnessing Serendipity” emphasizes the need for collaboration artists in modern times. Collaboration artists are event organizers who can bring people together, create a safe space for discussion, and facilitate the flow of ideas. They are skilled at creating an environment that encourages participation, and they understand the importance of purpose and forethought in creating successful gatherings.

My premise is that for event organizers who want to be taken seriously they need to be elevating what they do to that of “collaboration artists.”

They need to be skilled at bringing people together and creating a safe space for discussion. They need to understand the importance of purpose and forethought in creating successful gatherings that accomplish their objectives.

Human gatherings have been a part of our social fabric since the dawn of time. From the earliest campfires to the latest conferences to commercial endeavors, these gatherings have been instrumental in shaping our ideas and beliefs. In recent years, the importance of these gatherings has only increased, with the need for collaboration and idea sharing being more important than ever. The key to success in these gatherings lies in effective leadership and facilitation, which is an art in itself. This paper will explore the history and importance of human gatherings, the art of facilitation, and the need for collaboration artists in modern times.

History and Importance of Human Gatherings:

Human gatherings have been a part of our lives since the beginning of human civilization. They started with the earliest tribes and communities gathering around a campfire, sharing stories and ideas. The invention of writing and the establishment of cities only strengthened the role of gatherings in shaping human culture. The ancient Greeks, for example, gathered in the Agora to discuss politics and philosophy, which helped shape the Western world’s ideas.

In the modern era, human gatherings have become even more important. With the advent of technology, people are now able to connect and communicate with each other more easily than ever. However, studies have shown that face-to-face interaction is still the most effective way of building trust and exchanging ideas. Alex Pentland’s work on social physics highlights the importance of face-to-face interaction in idea flow and building trust. He argues that successful networks are those that encourage face-to-face gatherings that focus on diverse communities.

The Art of Facilitation:

The success of human gatherings lies in effective leadership and facilitation. Great facilitators or collaboration artists are individuals who can bring people together, create a safe space for discussion, and facilitate the flow of ideas. They are skilled at creating a welcoming environment that encourages participation, and they are sensitive to the needs and perspectives of all participants.

The art of facilitation has been studied and practiced for centuries. In ancient Greece, Socrates was a master at facilitating discussions and debates. In modern times, individuals like Peter Block and Edgar Schein have contributed to the field of facilitation, emphasizing the importance of building trust and creating a safe space for discussion. The art of facilitation involves understanding the needs of the participants, creating a comfortable environment, and encouraging participation and collaboration.

We Need Collaboration Artists More Than Ever

Human gatherings have been an integral part of our social fabric since the beginning of human civilization. They have helped shape our ideas and beliefs and have played a crucial role in the development of human culture. The success of these gatherings lies in effective leadership and facilitation, which is an art in itself. Collaboration artists are individuals who can bring people together, create a safe space for discussion, and facilitate the flow of ideas. They are skilled at creating an environment that encourages participation and collaboration. In modern times, the need for collaboration artists has never been greater, as we face complex challenges that require collaboration and idea sharing.

Who We Interviewed

The People Who Were Interviewed for Harnessing Serendipity



David Adler

David Adler is the Founder of BizBash.com, the leading resource for innovative meeting and event organizers and event marketers.