Calm Technology

David Alayón
Future Today
Published in
1 min readJan 2, 2018

I don’t know if the name Amber Case sounds familiar, she is an anthropologist that has been studying the relations between human beings and technology for years. In fact, she considers all humans as cyborgs, because all of us uses technology (exogenous components) to adapt to new environments. That is why she calls herself a “cyborg anthropologist”.

Recently she’s been the cover of the magazine TELOS (which has made a spectacular re-launch) and is evangelizing the concept of “calm technology”, where the machines help human beings to be freer, to have more time, to practice other creative activities such as music or paint, to cultivate the spirit; and not to be a slave of them.

What do you think of this approach? I have always understood the technology this way and although we are in a constant transition, technology should aspire to be invisible. It seems that the sophistication leads us to more dedication and attention to the machines, when it should be the opposite. It should be like magic, like “enchanted objects” as David Rose would say.

Article in spanish: Calm Technology — Amber Case

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David Alayón
Future Today

Creative Technology Officer & Co-founder @Innuba_es @Mindset_tech · Partner @GuudTV @darwinsnoise · Professor @IEBSchool @DICeducacion · Mentor @ConectorSpain