Ascending your Giant in searching for your Golden Bliss

Dr. David Alkaher .·.
2 min readJan 31, 2020



In the harsh days,
When the light of my soul fades into the shades
In the fragile moments of no hope,
When my fear crawls out of my psych
and My joy dims into the noisy darkness

I teach myself to invoke him
The hidden beast of renown
My inner light-warrior
The ancient of the fallen ones

From the dusk of my sadness
He appears as a storm
Bursting into the here and now
Quietly roaring as a mighty old thunder

And the night suddenly shines
And the noise suddenly silences

He stares at me with his soft deep eyes
Lifting a steel rusty sword is the air
A reddish blade of warmth and inspiration
Revealing his spectacular wings,
An iron extension of his body, reinforced with soft old feathers

Slowly, he steps towards me
His heavy footsteps shake and cracks the rocky ground
Approaching with an eternal serenity
Of primordial pain and wisdom

His strong wings fall back
Fear does not reside inside him

He leans towards me
Placing me firmly on his broad titan shoulders
So I could look far into horizons of beauty and passion
I am filled with eruptions of encouragement

and then

The disturbing thoughts calm down
Clearing-of some room for creation to come
My fear fades away, as it wasn’t even there
We dance
A moment later, we cry with tears of joy
A rainbow reveals in the heavenly bluish skies
Grinning smiles spread on our faces


My beast transcends into Golden Bliss
And my feelings into HAPPYNESS



Dr. David Alkaher .·.

An 1nn0v8tion Alchemist. B.Sc in Electrical Engineering, M.Sc in Aerospace Engineering and a Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering. Research, Adventure & Manifest.