David Atkins
6 min readJan 19, 2017

Here are 10 deadliest insects in the world.

Insects are small living creatures made by the Almighty. But, one must not get misguided by their small sizes. These little creatures can be dangerous. Almost all of them are capable of hurting the humans; some hurt directly while, some indirectly. Many of these small creatures are powerful enough to take a toll on the life of a human being.Here are 10 deadliest insects in the world.

10 Bot Fly

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World
bot fly-Photo via whatsthatbug.com

Bot Fly is on number 10 in the list of top 10 deadliest Insects, The larvae of this insect are the internal parasites of the mammals. They also house the human skin. They live underneath the skin. They are capable of causing terrible effects. When the larvae move inside the skin, the human could feel it.

The young female flies also lay egg beneath the skin. The larvae get through the skin and inhabit the subdermal layer of the human skin. There they live for over 60 days. They leave the human body once they are fully grown up.

Bot Flies are usually found in Central as well as South America.

9 Bullet Ant

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World
Bullet Ant Photo via NationalGeographic.com

In the ant family, Bullet ant is the largest ant and also, it is the deadliest. The size of the bullet is around one inch. The name of the ants says it all. The ants are named after the painful sting as painful as a bullet. The sting of the ant is very- very painful. It is around thirty times more painful than that of a honey bee or a wasp.

The pain caused due to the sting of bullet ants last for about 24 hours and hence, it is also referred to as “24- hour ant”.

These ants are mainly found in the rainforests of Paraguay and Nicaragua. The base of the large trees is where these ants form their nest. Each colony of the ants contains around a hundred members.

These ants have a strange of dealing with the predators. Once they spot a predator, they emit an unpleasant odour. But, if the predator does not go away, they attack it together.

8 Kissing Bug

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World
Kissing Bug-Photo via TechTimes.com

They kiss to live. Yes! These bugs suck the blood of vertebrates to grow up. They derive their name from the fact that bites the lips of the humans while they are in deep slumber. They transmit a parasite known as trypanosome cruzi.

These bugs are quite deadly. They cause a disease called changes or kissing bug disease that takes the life of around twelve thousand people every year. The disease is characterized by the occurrence of rashes and welts. It can also affect animals in the same way.

7 Fleas

Fleas-Photo via FlickrOn number 7, we have Fleas. They are external parasites that feed on the blood sucked in from humans, reptiles, wild animals, domestic animals and birds. There are two thousand known species of fleas. They lead to itch spots on the host’s skin. The bites are very itchy and can also lead to dangerous infections. When the fleas bite human, they cause red bumps.

Fleas are very small in size but, they must not be judged by their size. Young fleas are capable of sucking more volume of blood than 15 times of their body weight.

Also, they reproduce very quickly. In her life span, a female flea can lay up to two thousand eggs.

6 Fire Ants

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World
Fire Ants-Photo via Terro.com

Fire ants are on number 6 in the list of top 10 deadliest insects in the world. There are around 285 species of fire ants.

Their sting is no less than a fire. The painful sing of fire ants is also venomous. The sting can cause a white pustule lasting for weeks. The sting can also lead to many skin allergies and infections.

These ants sting continuously if disturbed. They attack in a group of ten to hundred ants.

5 TseTse Flies

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World
Photo via flicker-TseTse fly (Glossinidae morsitans) in a biology lab at WVU.

These flies from Africa are on number 5 in the list of top 10 deadliest insects in the world. These ants also live on the blood of the vertebrates. Their single sting is loaded with powerful toxins.

When the flies sting, their venom spreads inside the body and lead to sleeping sickness. If the victim is not given proper medical care, it might take away his life.

Half a million of African lost their life due to the attack of these deadly tsetse flies.

4 Giant Japanese Hornet

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World
Giant Japanese Hornet-Photo via animalsadda.com

Hornet’s largest species, Giant Japanese Hornet reach up to a size of about two mm. They are quite deadly as their venom can lead to severe allergies. Their venom can dissolve the tissues in a matter of some time. Continuous stinging by Giant Japanese Hornet can take life of a person. Every year they take around forty lives.

In nature these insects are very fearless and aggressive. Seven hundred members come together to form a colony.

They feed on the larvae of honey bee and eat up to forty honey bees in just a minute.

3 Driver Ants

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World
Driver Ants-Photo via youtube

On number 3, we have driver ants. They form the largest colony in the world comprising of 22 million ants. They can even scare an elephant away. They are very dangerous and take no time in killing any animal, small or large, coming into their path.

They have a string mandible and using it, they can give repetitive wounds.

2 Killer Bees

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World
Killer Bees-Photo via BBC.co.uk

Killer bees are truly killer. They are also known by the name Africanized honey bees. They are dominant, they are aggressive and they are the deadliest insects in the world. They are known to follow their victim for over a mile.

Each colony consists of 100s or 1000s of members as much as 8000 members. They continuously sting the victim. They typically attack the eyes and face of the humans. Though the toxins are not very string but, repetitive stinging can lead to severe consequences including death.

1 Mosquitoes

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World

The deadliest of all the insects are mosquitoes. They take over one million deaths every year. They can lead to malaria, one of the deadliest diseases. They infect a person by biting him. They inject the germs into the blood.

WHO has quoted that every thirty second, malaria takes life of a child.

Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World

Rank Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World 1 Mosquitoes 2 Killer Bees 3 Driver Ants 4 Giant Japanese Hornet 5 TseTse Flies 6 Fire Ants 7 Fleas 8 Kissing Bug 9 Bullet Ant 10 Bot Fly

This our top 10 of deadliest insects in the world if you have any suggestion please write in commentbox

The post Top 10 Deadliest Insects in the World appeared first on Go Top Tens.

Source: http://www.gotoptens.com/top-10-deadliest-insects-world/


David Atkins

i am David Atkins,i am 31 year old i am living in USA. i love my family & best friends. i like blogging, swimming & going out.