David Atkins
6 min readJan 20, 2017

“Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into”, quoted Henry Beecher. It is an undisputed fact that flowers are the sweetest creation by the Almighty. Though they do not have a soul but, still they have a power to blow life into any lifeless person. A little flower can fill a person’s heart with a new life, freshness and happiness. Flowers not just bring smile on the face of a person but, also pour joy inside his heart.

Though all the flowers are pretty but, there are some that are the prettiest. These flowers garb all the eyeballs with their beauty and grace. These flowers emit pleasant aromas capable of mesmerising any person to the core.

Here is the list of the top 10 most beautiful flowers in the world.

10 Dahlia

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
Dahlia-Photo via voilalafete.wordpress.com

Dahlia is one of the prettiest flowers that has adorned the list of top 10 most beautiful flowers on number 10 spot. This beautiful flower is found mainly in Central America, Mexico and Colombia.

The flower is named after a botanist, Anders Dahl. It is a tuberous, bushy and perennial plant that has more than thirty species. There are around twenty thousand cultivars of this flower.

Dahlia comes in several sizes. Dahlia comes in a small size of 2 feet (button dahlia) and also in 1 foot (dinner plate dahlia). The head of the flower is adorned with beautiful and delicate petals. Dahlia comes in many colours including pink, orange, purple, red, white and many more.

9 Bleeding heart

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
Bleeding heart-Photo via staticflickr.com

Bleeding heart is on number 9 in the list of top 10 most beautiful flowers in the world. They are fairy- like blossoms that mainly adorn shady gardens. These flowers can be seen in the months of April to June.

They are one of the most gorgeous flowers and are found in different colours like white, pink and red.

8 Cherry Blossom

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
Cherry Blossom Photo via pcwallart.com

Cherry Blossom blooms when the spring arrives in Japan. Thousands of people especially visit Japan to witness the heavenly beauty of Cherry Blossom. During the arrival of spring season in Japan, the gardens are always full of people enjoying the beauty of Mother Nature. In US too, Cherry Blossoms bloom during the arrival of spring. This time around both the countries witness festivities.

Cherry Blossoms are delicate and gorgeous. The trees appear white and pink adorned with Cherry Blossoms. When they fall down, they carpet the ground.

7 Canna Lily

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
Canna Lily-Photo via youtube

Canna lily is not the actual lily. It is also known by the name canna. It is a genus comprising of 19 species of beautiful flowering plants.

Canna lily looks exhilarating. The other plant families that share a close relationship with Canna Lily are the other plant families of order Zingiberales, i.e. the Zingiberaceae (ginger), Marantaceae, Musaceae (bananas), Sterlitziaceae, Heliconiaceae, et al.

6 Tulip

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
Tulip-Photo via superiorwallpapers.com

Tulips are one of the most beautiful flowers. Also, they are the most cultivated flowers. They are found in almost all the parts of the world from Asia to Africa to South Europe. The hybrids of these beautiful flowers are grown in pots. They are also seen as cut flowers.

Tulip is a perennial plant. It belongs to the Tulipa genus. Tulips can be several colours and shapes. It is unbelievable but, Tulips have more than a hundred different species.

Tulips are on number 6 in the list of top 10 most beautiful flowers in the world.

5 Oriental Poppy

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
Oriental Poppy-Photo via Snaplant.com

This beautiful perennial plant is on number 5 in the list of top 10 most beautiful flowers in the world. The flower looks quite mesmerising and comes in the colours like pink, white as well as multicoloured.

The name of this plant might mislead you but, Oriental poppy does not belong to Orient. This perennial plant is a native to Turkey. It is mainly found in Caucasus.

This perennial plant survives during summers and droughts as it sheds its foliage. Oriental poppy is on number 5 in the list of top 10 most beautiful flowers in the world.

4 White Lotus

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
White water Lily-Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World

White lotus is known by many names like tiger lotus, white waterlily, Egyptian white waterlily or “Our Lady’s Tears”. This flower belongs to the Nymphaeaceae family.

Found majorly in several parts of East Africa and Southeast Asia, white lotus is one of the most delicate and gorgeous flowers. The blossoms of this beautiful flower float on water. Lily pads (foliage) support the flowers. The bloom of the flower last for only three days then they are replaced.

They emit a pleasant aroma. White lotus is found in various colours. There are three types of water lilies including the common water lily or Nymphaeaceae, a yellow water lily or Nuphar Lutea or Nelumbo or Lotus. The two popular species of Nelumbo are Nelumbo Nucifera and Nelumbo Lutea.

There are several interesting facts related to this gorgeous flower. It is a national flower of India and Vietnam. Also, it has a spiritual value. The flower is considered sacred by Hindus and Buddhists.

3 Plumeria

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
Plumeria-Photo via Kingofwallpapers

Plumeria is one of the sweetest smelling flowers. It has a light, delicate and sweet aroma. This flower is found in Central America, Caribbean and Brazil. It is a member of dogbane family, Apocynasceae.

Plumeria is a mesmerizing flower with a mesmerizing scent. It comes in different colours like yellow, red, pink, et al. It is a medium sized flower.

2 Bird of Paradise

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
Bird of Paradise-Photo via http://www.birdofparadisespa.com

Also known as Crane flower, Bird of Paradise is on number 2 in the list of top 10 most beautiful flowers in the world. This flower belongs to Sterlitiaceae family.

The name of the family is attributed to the shape of the flower. The flower comes in vibrant colours. But, it does not have any fragrance.

1 Rose

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World
Rose-Photo via wallpaperjunk.com

No other flower could be as beautiful as roses. They are the most gorgeous, most romantic and fragrant flowers. Roses are one of the most loved flowers in the whole world. The delicate petals in different colours look quite mesmerizing.

They are mainly found in Asia but, are also found in the other parts of the world. It belongs to genus “Rosa”. It is the most beautiful flower on the Earth.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World

Rank Most Beautiful Flowers 1 Rose 2 Bird of Paradise 3 Plumeria 4 White Lotus 5 Oriental Poppy 6 Tulip 7 Canna Lily 8 Cherry Blossom 9 Bleeding heart 10 Dahlia

That’s the list of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World Is there any other flower that deserves to be a part of this list? Let me know in the comments section below

The post Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World appeared first on Go Top Tens.

Source: http://www.gotoptens.com/top-10-beautiful-flowers-world/


David Atkins

i am David Atkins,i am 31 year old i am living in USA. i love my family & best friends. i like blogging, swimming & going out.