Medical Device Sales Rep Salary

David Bagga Company
1 min readDec 1, 2021


The income potential you have as a medical device sales rep can be extremely high. The great thing about medical device sales is that you can make as much and as little as you want. If you put in the time and work, then you have the potential to make great money. It all comes down to your work ethic and how much time you are willing to put in to build your business.”


Fortunately, the 2021 Medical Sales Salary Report brings good news!

Overall medical sales salaries increased year over year by 2.64%. Most of the increase came from base salaries, so the pandemic may have hindered commissions and bonuses, but not significantly. The Medical Sales Salary Survey revealed other positive news, as well, regarding diversity in the industry, job satisfaction, and increased access to benefits. All in all, it’s still a great time to work in medical sales.



David Bagga Company

David Bagga is a Leading Sales Recruiter, Coach, Conference Speaker, and Trainer in Medical Device Industry