Generate and Use Unity Plugins

Displaying Toast within unity project — Android Oriented Post

David Beloosesky
2 min readJan 18, 2017

Step 1: Create a new Android Library

You can do it by creating a new android application project and transform it to an android library project. Or you can create a new android application and add a new library module.

Step 2: Crate a Class and set it to display a Toast

Watch out:

  • To display a Toast you need a Context, but the library have no UI context, so the way to solve it, is to pass the context from the unity project using the method setActivity(Activity activity)

Step 3: Build the library project and generate aar file.

You can just build your project and open next folder for the aar file:

If you can’t find any aar files in this folder:

  • Open the Gradle windows in Android studio
    (View → Tool Windows → Gradle)
  • Locate your library → drill down to build folder → right click on assemble and Run the first option, this will generate aar files to above folder

Step 4: Open a new Unity Project

  • Add your aar file to the project
  • Create a new script and attach it to view, in our example we add a Text to the main scene and attach the next script to it. But you can of course attach the script to any object or call it as you like.

That’s it! Run the project on android device and check your Toast!

