Let’s Play The Captain Marvel Prediction Game

Who Lives, Who Dies And Who’s A Skrull?

David Caracciolo
6 min readSep 26, 2018

Not me, I promise. Trying to take over the world by turning into a sweet old lady only to get my dentures knocked out by ageist Brie Larson just isn’t on my to-do list…

Credit: Marvel Studios

We all know Captain Marvel is next on the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) conga line of films and with that comes a lot of speculation from avid Marvel fans.

How will it all go down?

Well, I like to think of myself as a Marvel fanatic and I’ve already started making my own predictions in this trailer analysis…

So why not finish what I started and see where the speculation train ends? Before I go any further… potential spoilers ahead and definite SPOILERS if you haven’t seen the most recent MCU films.

Let’s Begin…

The movie will most likely begin with Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel aka member of Starforce, an elite squadron of badass Kree soldiers on a mission to kill Skrull scum, a warring alien race. Still with me?

Good. While chasing an enemy Skrull ship, something goes wrong and both parties end up crash landing on Earth. Captain Marvel enters a Blockbuster…

A Blockbuster hit! (Credit: Marvel Studios)

And the Skrulls drop in the ocean…

Credit: Entertainment Weekly

Still on mission, Captain Marvel continues her hunt, tracking one Skrull onto a train carriage who’s disguised as an old lady…

Credit: Marvel Studios

A train fight ensues that ends in fatality. Spoilers: Not our hero…

Credit: Marvel Studios

Which gets the attention of a young Nick Fury, a Shield agent about to call it quits until Captain Marvel arrives…

Credit: Marvel Studios

The Cover Up

The dead Skrull ends up on the autopsy table and Fury gets an injury…

Credit: Marvel Studios

See that ice pack he’s holding over his eye? We’ve seen a pic of Fury with a cut above the same eye…

Credit: Entertainment Weekly

I reckon there’s some CGI foolery going on here. Not just the de-aging technology. I suspect Marvel is deliberately pulling the wool over our eyes and Fury’s already lost it! His eye that is, and they’ll put a patch over it when the film comes out. They did the same thing with Thor: Ragnarok!!!

Credit: Marvel Studios

Both eyes intact in the trailer. By the time the movie came out, so did an eye…

Credit: Marvel Studios

I reckon Fury gets caught in the line of fire somehow. Maybe he tries to save a civilian and it turns out to be Skrull, costing Fury an eye? He’ll lose half his sight and all his faith in humanity…

“Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye.” – Nick Fury

Credit: Marvel Studios

I dunno… as we’ve seen, it’s not the first time Marvel has tried to cover up spoilers in the marketing. On the topic of Marvel being deceptive…

Secret Villain

Marvel has been rather coy about revealing the name of Jude Law’s character in the promoting of the film so far…

Credit: Entertainment Weekly

Back in November last year, it was reported by Variety that, “Law will be playing Doctor Walter Lawson, a.k.a. Mar-Vell, who becomes a mentor of sorts to Danvers as she tries to figure out her new powers.”

However, this hasn’t been made official yet. I suspect there’s a good reason for that, as he may be playing another character from the comics, a secret antagonist named Yon-Rogg. That could be him on the left, next to another baddie…

Credit: Entertainment Weekly

Perhaps he’s the first alien to make contact with Carol Danvers…

Credit: Marvel Studios

Is somehow responsible for the “accident” that first gives her her powers…

Credit: Marvel Studios

Rather than leave her on Earth. He abducts her, wipes out all her memories using this device…

Credit: Marvel Studios

And convinces her to fight in his army…

Credit: Entertainment Weekly

Until she eventually learns the truth…

Credit: Marvel Studios

Turning her powers against him…

Doesn’t the guy on the left look a lot like Law? (Credit: Marvel Studios)

Which doesn't end well for him…

Credit: Marvel Studios


As mentioned, Captain Marvel will feature a flurry of flashbacks. It’s not a traditional origin movie, where we start right from the beginning. We’ll first see Carol Danvers as the leader of Starforce, then work our way back to see how she got there. The more time she spends on her birth planet, the more flashbacks she’ll get…

Credit: Marvel Studios

We’ll get a whole bunch of scenes of her falling down…

Credit: Marvel Studios

But more importantly, her time as a pilot…

Credit: Entertainment Weekly

Where she meets her best friend…

Credit: Entertainment Weekly

A character who is most positively the mother of future superhero, Photon. Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if Danvers returns to Earth and visits her old friend, who now has a daughter? Is that the top of her head in this still?

Credit: Marvel Studios

That’ll be a good way to end the movie, but don’t forget to stay through…

The Credits

Despite Law turning into the villain by the end of the film, the main villains will still be the Skrulls. The shape-shifting aliens will be led by Ben Mendelsohn, seen here in human form…

Credit: Entertainment Weekly

Looks like they’ve successfully infiltrated Shield, something that Hydra was also able to do. Shield, get it together!

Credit: Marvel Studios

Fury and Danvers will spend most of the film tracking them down, but what if one of them gets away? The traditional mid-credits scene could show the Skrull taking on the form of a Marvel character we’ve known for some time. My guess, a de-aged Thunderbolt Ross…

Credit: Marvel Studios

Wouldn’t that be a cool way to end the film and get Marvel fans even more excited for what’s to come?



David Caracciolo

I like big PUNS and I can not lie. You other writers can't deny