Your Life Is Waiting For You…

Know When To Walk Away

David Clemmensen
6 min readMar 18, 2016

The choice to simply pick up your feet and walk in the opposite direction is a choice most feel is not an option. Both emotionally and physically you always have a choice, you can stay or you can go. You can choose to feel angry or walk away from anger. You can choose to take abuse or walk away from abuse. You can choose to feel depressed or walk away from depressed. You can choose to walk away from people who bring you down. The point is feelings are just feelings and situations are just situations. You have the power to live in that feeling or to simply walk away from it.

Let me be clear though, I’m not saying that it’s ok to bail on loved ones when they are going through hard times. Or to run away from hard times in general, actually some of the biggest growth can happen when you actually embrace the harsh times. What I’m saying is that when you find yourself in a situation in which you feel like emotions no longer suits your personal well being or are surrounded by people who no longer share your life’s ambitions then it’s time to ask yourself “Is where I truly belong?”

Be willing to give up who you are now, to become who you truly are. Certain things will no longer fit into your life, so therefore when you look at yourself you have to have a vision of yourself beyond your circumstances. People can confine themselves to their own circumstances by saying to themselves “this is it for me, I’ll never be anything more than this” The pschological dependence on a paycheck can lead you to feeling enslaved to a job you hate. A group of friends that you have hung out with for years and years, who haven’t matured can begin to grind on you to the point of withdrawing from them entirely! Embrace the fact that you have matured, and your ideals have changed for the better, and that you have grown want to continue to grow!

Feeling like withdrawing from these situations entirely can save your life!

Let me explain. You see, feeling like you have outgown something means that whatever this thing was no longer fits with your lifestyle or your values. Changing your behaviors, overcomming negative mindsets, both internal and external is challanging. Most people go through life, never discovering what their talents are! Most people never develop their talents! And put down those who are successful in ways they secretly wish they could excel at.

The only thing that will ever make you happy this year and the next… Is to step up! It’s to raise the standard, discover what you are capable of and feel that incredible power of pushing through whatever is holding you back, and to get to the other side of your true self.

When you step into your fears and push yourself to go on, something amazing happens for you. You feel a sense of power and courage. If you don’t develop the courage to go against the grain, then you might as well get comfortable with whatever misery you are feeling. When you continue to be in situations or around people which aren’t to your satisfaction, then you begin to loose your nerve. Others will begin to convince you through direct words or actions that what you are doing doesn’t have any value, and you’ll inevitably give up on your dream.

How much time do you have left?


When you start thinking about it, we just don’t know! Do you wanna spend your day surrounded by people and circumstances which are not to your satisfaction? Most of us don’t use the goodness we have brought into the universe. Stop wasting your precious valuable time! If you want something, you have to be relentless, regardless of if others support you or not! You must hold on to your dreams and visions, and let nobody or no circumstance trample upon them. Your power to hold on to your dreams in times of tribulation and to press onward regardless of how you may feel, is a true winners quality! This quality only exists within the minds and hearts of men and women who know exactly what they want and are fully determined not to quit!

But unfortunately, not everyone will share your visions. The biggest discouragers in life, sad to say, are your closest friends and family. Even though what is said is done out of love, how can they advise you when they have never gone where you want to go? Why would you let their limited view of the world hold you back from doing something great!

Just pause for a second and look at your life. Look at the friends your hanging out with, the books your reading, the media your consuming. Just stop and look at all of this. You have hidden talents that you aren’t using because your environment is holding you to where you are. Decide if you are gonna live your life or someones version of your life. If something hasn’t done what you have passion to do then how can they have an opinion? If anything, you should do what you’re dreaming of because you don’t want a life like theirs! You have an important mission to accomplish, and every day you waste is another day you could have spent pursing your talents and passions. You can either believe in your gifts, or believe all the under achievers around you think. Live your version of your life. NO MORE EXCUSES! Discouragement can come from so many places. But regardless of anyone elses reasons or opinions, the only opinion that matters is your own!

There is greatness within you! And you must, for the sake of your soul, your vision, and your dreams walk away from the critics who may bring you down. Harness your will and let nothing and no one stop you.

It’s hard to walk away, it’s hard! It’s difficult to seperate yourself from people you have known for years, but refuse to grow themselves, it’s hard. But it is neccessary. Who you are around effects your mood and mentality more than you may ever know. If you are surrounded with loosers, who complain, and live for weekends, get drunk and crawl out of bed on a monday just to do it all again, then guess what, you will too! But if you hang around winners who share your visions, believe in self improvement and share your same mindset, then you are much more bound to grow. The company you keep reflects your values, outlooks and perspectives on life.

You deserve to build and nurture your dreams, most people give up on themselves too easily. There is nothing as powerful as the human spirit, it’s hard to kill the human spirit.

You are unstoppable! Live your life with passion! Let no one and nothing stop you from living to your true potential! Cut out the poison, the negativity, the naysayers and follow your heart, and you will never go wrong! Know when to walk away from people or situations which can stifle your growth. When you feel your self growing and growing away from these things, that means you have begun to create your own path, your own ideals, your own way of life which suits your happiness and well being!

Go with it, trust it, and put one foot in front of the other. Never look back! Decide to push yourself and focus on you. And as you continue everyday on this new path you have begun, then you will notice differences in your life. Doors will open for you, you will begin to attract the right circumstances into your life. Know that you have got what it takes and this is your day and nothing out here is going to stop you!

Protect your dreams, nurture your passions, establish your purpose!

Throw out the old hopeless ways, find people who share your visions and ideals, surround yourself with passionate people! change your environment entirely! create a new you! change your mindset!

Know when to walk away!

