4 Pillars of business

David Cooksey
2 min readSep 13, 2021


There are 4 vital pillars that every business must have to be successful and optimized. These are Branding, Marketing, Sales and Operations. By breaking these down into more manageable steps and quantifying your results you can achieve your goals with a lot more efficiency and less stress!

The first step is identifying why your business exists beyond money, To quote Simon Sinek, “People Don’t buy what you do or how you do it, they buy why you do it” The why you do everything should be ever present in every aspect of your business, this allows your employees and customers to connect with the business on a personal level.

To help find your Why, ask yourself the Following:

  • What inspired your business?
  • What Problems does your Business solve?
  • What is unique about your business?

Once You have a Strong foundation of why your business exists you can start building your pillars.


How you get known

Branding is how people perceive your business, the goal being to attract and retain the target customer. A business does this by delivering services or a product that is aligned with the brand promise

Your Brand is more than your logo, website or social media. It is how you choose to target the market, the reason your business is different and stands out from the competition. Be consistent with your brand and endeavour to provide as much value to your customers as possible


How you get found

Marketing allows potential customers to find your business. Effective ways to market is making value based content on social media,youtube, blogs and podcasts. Making valuable content enables you to position your business as an industry leader, increasing trust and credibility.

Embrace paying for advertising on social media and google to promote your ads and content as this is proven to generate leads and increase sales.

Find brand advocates to promote your brand, they do not have to be big celebrities, micro-influencing is very powerful!

Keep track of the latest trends and leverage them for viral growth on social media


How you make money

Once you have generated leads through branding and marketing; Sales is converting the potential client into an actual sale.

While effective marketing is loud, good sales strategy will be alot more quiet, listening more and asking the right questions. You must be confident and believe in yourself. Have effective time management skills and be able to leverage the latest technology for the best results


How you build your business

This is how you structure and run your business. Having things run efficiently leads to increased profits and value of your business.

Managing your expectations and planning for the future is important as things rarely go as planned. Have a clear process so that everyone you work with is on the same page.



David Cooksey

My purpose is to learn and share with others! No one person can change the world, but our collective knowledge and will can!