David King
1 min readFeb 14, 2016


It’s easy to sit here and be “productive” while avoiding the work. You are curating content to build an audience so that when you finally do “the work” someone will care. Why not just start doing it and see if people care? You’ve written so many powerful articles. Articles that could have tremendous reach and improve the lives of other people. Yet you sit here scared to do the work.

Why haven’t you read all of the suggestions that were left on the work. You had done the work now you are stagnating. You left your job so you could focus on the work and you can’t even do it.

Are you just an employee? Is everyone right about you?


Let’s get it. Not this year, but now. Let’s get it not before you’re 30, but today. You can get it. You have the tools. Just be direct and go for it. No more bullshit to talk yourself out of doing everything but the one thing that matters.

If you are going to write, if you are going to create content, just start. It doesn’t matter if it’s good, just get it going. Move the needle.

Take your own advice and stop telling people about what you are going to do, only tell them when you expect of yourself on a daily basis.

What do you expect to do? You expect to get it done. I’m posting this without editing it because it scares me.

