

David Dao
12 min readNov 29, 2017

Read the english version here



  • 如何给社会事业评估其价值,并确保我们的奖励能够最大限度地促进这一事业?
  • 如何设计出足够灵活的奖励措施,以适应不断变化的情况?
  • 如何确定这些奖励措施是可靠的?


GainForest — 一个(非常)机智的打击亚马逊森林砍伐的合同






这个想法很简单:护林员负责确保亚马逊的某一片森林区域免受砍伐 。他们先选择一块区域并且投入一笔资金,在保护期结束后(1/3/6个月),如果他们选择的森林未受破坏,他们将获得最初的投注并且获得奖励。森林若遭破坏,他们的投注将用来支付给以后的护林员。奖励根据保护的难易水平,该区域中有多少利益相关者,以及其他因素来计算。有经济利益的人会受激励来看护他们在本地或全球投资的地区。当地农民可以简单地投资自身所在的区域,在当地亲自看护森林,而全球企业家或社区可以投资,并帮助制定政策,并支付当地的护林员,以打击当地的森林砍伐行为。










尽管深度神经网络并不能精准预测森林砍伐,但我们可以看到它学习到了有效的模式。也许它只是预测了一个更长远的未来? (左:地表实况,右:森林砍伐的预测)


Predicting more applications for smart contracts

sustainable development

Our satellite imagery approach can be flexibly applied to more environmental scenarios such as river pollution, oil palm cultivation and marine conservation.

traffic department

Traffic congestion and rush hour forecasting are very common tasks in modern smart cities. If they can be combined with smart contracts, they can dynamically adjust the fares of the public transport system to motivate people to use buses rather than private cars.

Criminal investigation

An exciting application may be to identify potential incentives to prevent crime from rising. Based on historical data on policies and their impact on certain urban areas, artificial intelligence can be used to design new policies and incentives to reduce the crime rate.


It is more difficult to verify the impact of microfinance. By linking existing infrastructure and economic data with microfinance incentives in certain areas, it is possible to identify regions with the highest growth potential and allow these regions to engage in low-risk loans.

What is the next step? Learn Strategic Inspiration from Data

Blockchain and artificial intelligence are not related. However, from GainForest's example, we see that artificial intelligence can help us to automatically assess risk through forecasting, so that we have dynamic smart contracts. On the other hand, smart contracts help us define a system of self-enforcement and constraint, and it is also a perfect attempt to use neural networks for prediction. We believe that with the advancement of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology, predictive smart contracts will play a huge role in the future of blockchain trading systems. In the case of GainForest, to a certain extent, we can even use limited data to predict deforestation patterns in different parts of the world. That's because artificial intelligence algorithms like neural networks can transfer learned knowledge from one data set to another. Meta-learning thus allows us to train in the Amazon rainforest (a region with large data volumes) and then apply the prediction to areas where other data in the world are scarce.

Even more interesting is that our neural network is sending out self-defeated prophecies. When our learning algorithm predicts deforestation to a certain degree, it will prevent predictions because it is also included in the prediction system. So why do we not only optimize the accuracy Basically networks can motivate rangers and harvesters to try to maximize benefits. Basically, neural networks want to expand the protected areas of tropical Rain forests, while the harvesters try to minimize it. With this goal of game theory, maybe neural networks can learn predictive Incentive strategies and have positive guidance for human behavior. At the confluence of deep learning,Blockchain technology and game theory, there must be an exciting area of ​​research that is waiting to be explored!


Many thanks to Shan for the chinese translation and Yunyan and Shaoduo for proofreading it!


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David Dao

PhD student in AI and Data Systems for Sustainable Development 🌱🛰️🌍 | Founder GainForest.app | Past: Stanford, Berkeley, MIT https://daviddao.org