A hard decision. Leaving Gusto.

David Dat Nguyen
6 min readNov 28, 2016


TLDR; I left Gusto earlier this month. While I still believe in Gusto’s mission, I’m off to a new adventure.

Over the past 4.5 years, I gave Gusto my all. I joined as the first employee in June 2012 and have seen Gusto grow into an incredible 400 person company. The decision to leave wasn’t easy. It came down to one simple fact: change is hard. What’s harder? Resisting change. Over those four and a half years, Gusto has changed and I have changed.

Looking back. I’m sad. I’m lucky. I’m going to miss all of my incredible colleagues. We worked tirelessly over the last few years so that we could experience the rapid growth that we have achieved. By adding amazing folks to the team we are allowed the opportunity to reach higher, to dream bigger. Not that many people get to experience this. I’m sad. I’m lucky.

Looking at today. I’m at peace. The startup life is fast. The startup life requires a lot of sacrifice. The startup life is all consuming. I’m going to spend the next few months relaxing and working out (something that I haven’t been doing a lot of lately). And in the process, I hope to open myself up to new opportunities. I’m at peace.

Looking forward. I’m excited. I’m lucky. I get to solve new problems. I get to meet new people. I get to try new things. So what’s next? I don’t know. But I hope that you all share my excitement as to what the future holds. I’m excited. I’m lucky.

The hardest part was saying good bye.

I opened up Google Docs, changed the grey “Untitled document” text in the top left to read “Davey’s Last Day Email.”

I sat there and stared at a blank page with a blinking cursor. Oh man. I didn’t expect this.

I closed my eyes. Took a deep breath.

The first thing that I typed: “I’m going to miss you all.”

Blinking cursor. I blinked my eyes a few times. Took another deep breath.

12 drafts later. Here’s my email to the entire Gusto team in its entirety:

Dear Gusto and all of the Gusties who make it a special place — this was a really hard email to write.


1/ After almost 4.5 years at Gusto, I will be starting a new chapter and will no longer be a full-time member of the Gusto team.

2/ This Thursday (11/10) will be my last day — I’m not good with long good-byes. And we’ll have a Happy Hour at 6pm at Victory Hall if you like either alcohol or fried chicken.

3/ I am working with the People Team to set up a group for Gusto Alumni (more details below). I feel like I will always be part of the broader, extended Gusto family and would love to connect current Gusties with ex-Gusties.

— —

# I will miss you all.

Colleagues. Gusties. Partners. Teammates. Friends. I will look back at my time at Gusto very fondly. I’m amazed of the product we have built together and I’m proud of the incredible team that built it. Gusto will always be part of me and whatever adventures lie ahead.

Four years ago, I could not have imagined that Gusto would grow into what it is today. I’ve interviewed many of you, I’ve had countless meals with many of you, and I can’t believe that I’m working alongside so many creative and intelligent folks. I will miss you all.

# Some thanks.

I’d like to thank Josh, Eddie, and Tomer for fully embracing me, and design, from the moment that I stepped into the master bedroom in a little house on Emerson Street in Palo Alto, California on June 6th, 2012. This was the very first ZenPayroll/Gusto offices — I took off my shoes, got a watermelon, and started working. It’s been a complete joy to watch so many candidates and visitors take off their shoes, to watch so many new hires get a watermelon, and to watch so many colleagues and friends work to build an incredible experience that we all lovingly call Gusto.

# Looking back.

I’m reminded of a question that we asked the team when we were rebranding: “If ZenPayroll could be any kind of animal or organism, what kind of animal/organism would it be and why?” Ron from TaxOps responded with an answer that I would remember forever (and one that I quickly typed into my Evernote): “A coral reef, because millions of organisms live among it relying on food, shelter and support. We are our own dynamic ecosystem.” I still feel this.

# Looking forward.

If I knew what the future held in store, I’d let you know. (:smile:) But here’s what I’m thinking of right now.

I strongly believe in Gusto — its values and the people that it impacts. From day one, the Gusto mission hasn’t changed; it has grown just like the team behind Gusto. We are building a people platform to help businesses do great work. Work truly can empower a better life. And I can’t imagine a team that exemplifies these values more than the people here at Gusto.

It’s really awe-inspiring to see how far we’ve come, but I can’t even dream of what Gusto will be like another 4.5 years from now. The dreams of today will become reality. I’m excited to see new offices, a bigger team, more features to make our customers’ lives better, and more animal names for new administrative interfaces. I love, love the Gusto story — it is something that we have all built together. And I will continue my habit of waking up every morning and checking the Gusto Wall of Love.

# Next few days.

My last day is this Thursday (11/10). My calendar is wide open from now until then. Feel free to book some time on it. I’d be more than happy to make you a latte in 405, or to go for a quick walk (we shouldn’t meet in conference rooms — it is nice outside and according to emails, they are overly booked right now).

Also, there’s a happy hour at 6pm on Thursday (11/10) at Victory Hall (360 Ritch St, San Francisco, CA 94107) — just two blocks away from the SF office. Would love to chill and hang out with all of you.

# After Gusto.

With Josh, Tomer, and Eddie, along with the People Team, I will be working to establish a group for Gusto Alumni. It’d be great to have a way for ex-Gusties to reconnect with Gusto and to share our stories and lean on each other as we write new chapters.

For me, I will enjoy a bit of time off and am looking to start a new company. But I’ll still be the same Davey — nothing really changes other than you won’t see me wandering around the office or hear my laugh around corners quite as often.

— I’ll still be sporting the same ol’ black v-neck and jeans.
— I’ll still be living in San Francisco and would be more than happy to grab coffee.
— I’ll still be taking photos at all Stanford home football games.
— I’ll still be launching fireworks for the City of San Francisco.
— I’ll still be teaching spin classes at WheelHouse (www.wheelhouse-sf.com).
— I’ll still be online because I love computers.
— I’ll still be checking my personal email: david@daviddatnguyen.com.
— I’ll still be somewhat social on twitter/instagram: @daviddatnguyen.
— I’ll still be visiting the wonderful Gusto offices from time to time.

# In Closing.

It has been a joy and a privilege to watch this company grow and to contribute in my own little way. Josh likes to say “Embrace change. Change is the only constant.” He’s said it so many times over the last four years that I have lost count. Change isn’t going to be easy for me, I leave a very special company in great hands after over four years of love and gratitude.

I’ve been blessed far more than I ever deserved or expected by Gusto. In this next chapter, I will root for Gusto and hope that you will root for me — I hope to make the Gusto family proud.

Best wishes and we’ll be in touch — you can’t get rid of me that easily (:smile:),

David Dat Nguyen

P.S. From my first day to my last. Gusto is truly special. Here’s a photo of my first day — that’s a day that I’ll remember forever.

Davey’s first day at Gusto. June 2012



David Dat Nguyen

Co-Founder & Chief Experience Officer at Sonix. Pro photographer, emoji enthusiast, part-time pyrotechnician, fitness fanatic, alliteration aficionado.