Women Under Siege: Quick Notes on the Right’s Assault on Women’s Work Choices and Family Formation

David Demos
3 min readMar 16, 2023


Photo by Austrian National Library on Unsplash

There is a common misconception that many women prioritize their careers over family relationships because they believe their self-worth comes from professional success. However, this myth is often perpetuated by right-wing extremists that seek to avoid addressing the need to improve material conditions for the majority. Those from upper-class, upper-middle-class, and some middle-class families may have a choice, but that is because they have the resources to chose to be the exception rather than the rule. Most people, including women, prioritize their families or the prospect of having a family. Those who focus on their careers intend to provide a better life for their families.

Economic Challenges Faced by Younger Generations:

The 1950s and 60s were characterized by economic prosperity, with families able to afford homes and have children without the fear of financial insecurity, leading to the well-known baby boom. Unfortunately, today’s younger generations face an economically challenging environment, making it difficult for them to start families like their parents and grandparents.

  • Housing Costs: The cost of housing has surged, making it nearly impossible for young people to afford a home. This financial barrier prevents many from considering having a family as they need help finding a stable living situation.
  • Healthcare Costs: Healthcare costs have also skyrocketed, decreasing life expectancy for younger generations. The burden of high medical expenses deters many from starting a family, as they worry about providing adequate healthcare for their children.
  • Job and Income Insecurity: Compared to the past, employment, and income are more precarious today, with frequent layoffs and job losses occurring. This insecurity makes it challenging for young people to plan for a future that includes starting a family.

Political Factors Exacerbating Economic Challenges:

At the same time, right-wing politicians actively lobby to increase costs and risks for younger generations. They promote child labor laws that make it harder for young people to find employment and advocate for raising the retirement age, despite evidence that older workers are more likely to lose their jobs due to automation. Even when labor flexibility or tightness increases, these politicians undermine it.

The Harsh Reality for Middle-Class Women:

For many middle-class women, whether to work or not is not a matter of personal preference but a necessity due to economic pressures. With rising costs and decreasing job security, many young people, including women, cannot afford to start a family or exercise control over their careers. Unless something changes soon, this trend will only continue into the future.


The myth that women primarily work for reasons other than economics or family needs distorts reality. In today’s challenging economic climate, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult for women to pursue a career beyond a job to pay the bills and have families. By understanding and addressing the financial pressures that affect women’s decisions, we can work towards creating a society that supports women in their pursuit of both family and career goals.

