Will Elon Musk’s “Walrus” Move Defeat Mark Zuckerberg’s Jiu-Jitsu Skills?

David Devoto
3 min readJun 22, 2023

Get ready for the ultimate showdown, tech billionaire style! Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have been trading barbs on Twitter and Instagram, culminating in a challenge for a cage match between the two. Musk even has a special move he’s been working on called “The Walrus”, where he just lies on top of his opponent and does nothing. Can Zuckerberg handle it? We’ll have to wait and see!

Photo:Twitter Happy Punch

The friendly (or not so friendly?) competition started when Musk tweeted about how he’s sure Earth can’t wait to be exclusively under Zuckerberg’s thumb. Zuckerberg hit back by sharing a screenshot of Musk’s challenge and responding with “Send me location”. The two then went back and forth, with Musk ultimately suggesting the match take place in the Vegas Octagon.

But it’s not all fun and games between these tech titans. Another Twitter user cautioned Musk about Zuckerberg’s jiu-jitsu skills, to which Musk replied with his now-infamous cage match remark. It’s clear that both Musk and Zuckerberg are competitive individuals, each with their own unique skill sets and strengths.

Photo: Twitter Dana White



David Devoto

I'm an experienced copywriter passionate about travels and cultures.