What’s Your “Side Hustle” ?

Note to my 19 year old self: “quit smoking weed in your dorm room and start that side hustle”

David Drobik
4 min readApr 28, 2017

Everyone loves using digital products like Instagram, yet so few of us actually ever create any. One of the reasons is that it’s perceived to be technologically challenging to do so. However, it’s easier today than ever before for anyone to create their own website or web and mobile app even if you don’t know how to code. There are numerous examples of people who make a living creating digital products despite not having the ability to code, Justin Jackson is a good example.

It can be as simple as starting a blog, creating Youtube videos or a starting podcast. Do something you’d enjoy or find useful for yourself. Pieter Levels for instance created a site that helps you defeat procrastination by putting real money on the line. If you hit your personal deadline, you get your money back, if not, Pieter gets to keep your cash.

Here are the top 3 reasons why everyone should build digital products “on the side”.


You will learn everything from brainstorming ideas to planning and bringing a product to life all the way to the launch. You’ll learn how to acquire users or build an audience, see how people interact with whatever you’ve created, listen to their needs and improve the product based on feedback you get. You can look at it as a simulation of running a startup where you take on different roles every day. From product design and development to customer care, marketing and sales. You get to do it all.

Ales Nesetril’s hustle

Acquiring such skills can help you tremendously in your career. For instance, I’ve always liked how designers and developers are able to present themselves at job interviews “oh here’s my portfolio, this is what I’ve created”. Guess what, you can do exactly that. You’ll finally have something to show. It’s specific and tangible and you’ll have a hell lot to say about it. “Look, this is what I’ve done”. You’ll be able to talk about how you did it, what challenges you had to overcome and how many people you’ve had an impact on. I understand the importance of side projects especially now that I’m actually hiring people for my company for the first time in my life. It’s so much stronger when someone can show me specific products or projects they’ve built.

Your psychology

A less obvious benefit of having a “side hustle” is it’s positive impact on your overall psychological well being. It’s essential to switch off from time to time. Or to be more accurate, it’s important to switch from time to time. I came to realize this after working 12+ hours 6 days a week for months, I was unable to think of anything else but work. This is not healthy or sustainable. Having a side project is my therapy. It’s something I enjoy and something that helps me get my mind off of day-to-day work.

Escape the 9–5

This is perhaps the most important point of all. Could your side hustle be your way out of the 9 to 5? In other words, could your side project support you financially to the extent that you don’t need to be working for anyone else? Thousands of solopreneurs and digital nomads have proven this to absolutely be possible.

Okay, so where do I start?

Before I start sounding like an “online marketing guru”, let’s take a look at how you can get started.

If you want to build a simple website with your content use Wix or Square Space. You’ll be able to create your site within a couple of hours, easily, with no coding.

If you want to build more complex web or mobile apps use Bubble. A great way to start with Bubble is by taking a course with CodeFree first.

If you’re thinking of starting a podcast, an online course or a YouTube channel, use existing platforms like iTunes, Udemy and, well, YouTube.

I guess my main message is “just do shit”. And whatever you decide to do, have fun doing it.

That’s me, last week. See how much fun I’m having?

If you have any questions, or if there’s any way I can help, reach out via Instagram or Twitter.

Your’s Truly,


PS: If you like this article (or at least this last photo), please like it and share with friends!

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Read my last post “Silicon Valley / Bay Area / San Francisco: What’s the Difference!”

