Rasputin: mystic or scammer?

Davide Americo
2 min readMar 13, 2024

One of the most mysterious and contentious people in Russian history is Grigori Rasputin, a mystic and confidant to the Romanovs. Rasputin, who was born in Siberia in 1869, created mystery and fueled rumours that still exist today because of his influence over the royal family, particularly Tsarina Alexandra.

There are differing accounts of Rasputin’s birth and upbringing, so much about his early life remains unclear. According to some accounts, he underwent a spiritual awakening subsequent to his pilgrimage to the Monastery of Verkhoturye, which inspired him to lead an austere, nomadic life. Rasputin, who professed to have supernatural powers, became known as a mystic and healer.

Rasputin met the Romanovs during his trip to St. Petersburg, especially Tsarina Alexandra. Alexei, the couple’s son, had haemophilia, a disorder that compromised his health. Rasputin became a vital member of the royal court due to his purported ability to relieve the suffering of the young heir.

Rasputin’s increasing power over the Romanovs caused the Russian nobility to become resentful and suspicious. Public outrage was stoked by his unconventional behaviour, alleged debauchery, and purported control over the royal family. Many people thought that Rasputin’s stay at the imperial court had a part in the Russian monarchy’s downfall.

