What Machine Learning can do for you?

Jose Fumo
3 min readDec 2, 2016


I believe many of the products you use on your daily basis under the hoods use machine learning, sometimes you use without even realizing that. I want to show you some examples of machine learning use cases in action on some well known products. But before we go further, let’s get an idea of what is machine learning.

What is Machine Learning?
Arthur Samuel described it as: “the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”. The fundamental here is, In machine learning computer programs can teach themselves when exposed to new data.

“Data is the new science. Big data holds the answers.” — Pat Gelsinger

Machine Learning Applications
There are numerous applications of machine learning. it’s actually hard to realize how much machine learning has achieved in real world applications. what i’m going to do here, it’s to show you some use cases where it is used.

1. Email Spam Detection: Imagine how boring would be to filter by yourself all that bulsh*t emails you receive everyday? oh, this would be another full time job, that’s where spam detection comes to help, email applications like gmail make use of machine learning techniques to filter out spam emails based on past emails users considered to be a spam.

2. Face recognition: In this task, a computer program can identity an individual from a photo, you can take Facebook as an example for this.

3. Speech recognition: Some good examples of this are: google now, amazon echo. The fundamental idea of speech recognition is to allow interaction between human and computer through voice.

4. Computer Vision and Image classification: Consider Google photos, where it creates image filtering based on certain person or object. Facebook AI research lab is looking for new ways to improve user experiences through image classification so that even blind people can have an AI describe the content of an Image(can you see how cool is that?).

And there are so many other use cases, some of them emerging recently.

5. Self-Driving cars/Driverless cars
6. Advertisements (Google Ad sense, sponsored ads)/Recommendations engines (Netflix, amazon)
7. Anti-virus
8. Affective computing
9. Healthcare (detecting disease on the early stages)
10. Weather forecast
11. Computational Neuroscience

“Artificial Intelligence systems are going to be an extension of our brain the same way cars are an extension of our legs, they are not going to replace us, they are going to amplify everything we do, augmenting your memory, giving you instant knowledge and allowing us to concentrate on doing things are properly human.” — Facebook AI Research

Machine learning has a lot to do for you and it plays a huge role in your daily life, even without realizing it. Google defines itself as a machine learning company now, it is also a leader in this area because machine learning is a very important component to it’s core advertising and search businesses, companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon don’t leave behind.

So what do think? what can Machine learning do for you?



Jose Fumo

Passionate about technology, financial markets and above all, Humanity. I share my journey to Self-Discovery and Personal Growth.