It’s not “toxic” masculinity. It’s something else.

David Gerrold
1 min readJan 17, 2019


I think the term “toxic masculinity” is inaccurate.

I think it’s more accurate to call it damaged masculinity.

These are boys who’ve never learned how to be men, never learned how to be adults, never learned how to be mature.

What they call masculinity is “maxculinity” — a bizarre confabulation of flawed perceptions, that somehow masculinity is about demonstrations of power everywhere. It’s about dick-measuring.

Real power, real strength, doesn’t need to prove itself. It demonstrates itself not just in what it does, but also in what it doesn’t need to do. It doesn’t need to fight. It needs to build. It doesn’t need to destroy. It needs to create.

Real men don’t need to be bullies, don’t need to be cruel, don’t need to prove themselves. Real men aren’t afraid to be vulnerable, loving, and kind.

Real men can change a diaper as readily as they can change a tire. Real men can do the laundry, wash the dishes, mop the floor, and comfort a crying child.

Being heroic doesn’t require a horse and a gun and a white hat — it’s about simply being there and doing what’s appropriate. It’s about doing whatever is necessary to make a difference — to make the world a better place. Even a little bit is better than nothing.

Real men aren’t afraid of diversity — real men explore and discover and create. And most of all — in my not-so humble opinion, real men listen more than they talk.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

