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How traveling will make you a better designer.

David Gonyo
5 min readMay 22, 2017


Everyone needs to recharge and jet-setting has a big impact on your creative flow.

It’s early morning in Iceland.

I step off the plane. My feet touch the ground in what feels like another world. A cold chill shivers up my spine.

The weight of a sleepless night is heavy on my eyelids. I need coffee.

I walk through the airport terminal to claim my baggage. Something I’ve never liked doing.

Through the windows of the airport terminal I see a dark gray sky. The sun won’t come up for hours and I already sense that after this trip, things will never be the same.

Most people know there is a lot to gain from traveling to new countries. New experiences, new people, new food. But there’s an opportunity for something deeper if you are open to it.

Artists, writers, and thinkers have all felt the creative power of traveling to a far off land. Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Virginia Woolf have all written about the transformative power of travel.

“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” — Ernest Hemingway



David Gonyo

Writer, Marketer, & Content Strategist for brands that want to find their voice.