Landscape Lighting: A Home Safety Must-Have

David Gray Electric
2 min readFeb 15, 2016


Home safety isn’t one of the things you want to scrimp on. With landscape lighting, however, you won’t need to break the bank to keep your family safe. Compared to high-end alarms and security systems, it is surprisingly affordable. Here are three areas in which landscape lighting can increase your home’s security:

Landscape Lighting Keeps You From Becoming an Easy Target

If burglars wanted to work for a living, they’d have a regular job. That’s why they look for the easy targets to hit for home invasions. It’s just not worth the effort for them to rob a well-lit home when there are so many places for them to lurk in other yards whose owners have not installed effective landscape lighting.

Don’t just install a few bright floodlights in your yard and think you’ve done your job. Bright lights in a few places create shadows in the areas behind them, allowing burglars to sneak into your yard under cover of shadows. Install more lighting with lower intensity so that your entire yard is illuminated. Use motion detectors that only turn on when they sense movement. That way, you won’t be paying to light all of your yard unless you have a visitor.

Landscape Lighting Prevents Falls

The same low-intensity light that keeps robbers at bay can also illuminate the path so you and your guests can walk around your property without tripping over rocks or falling into the pool. Install landscape lighting to highlight the various walkways and paths around your property, as well as pools, rocks, sloped areas, and other hazards.

Landscape Lighting Allows You to Keep a Watchful Eye

If you have children or pets, you need to keep an eye out for them, particularly after dark. With landscape lighting, you can watch over your children and pets without leaving your home. Landscape lighting also discourages predatory animals who prowl around at night looking for easy prey. Without lighting to scare off predators, your small pets may fall victim to a coyote, an alligator, a raccoon, or other nocturnal creatures.
To schedule a free estimate and to discover more ways that landscape lighting can protect you and your family, call the expert Jacksonville electricians at David Gray Electrical Services today!



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