David Grossfeld
5 min readAug 25, 2022


You’ll Never Finish Your TO DO lists unless you Make These Changes

You’re not operating at your full potential

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I’ve struggled with a foggy mind for years, wondering why when I’ve done all the “right” things for my health, I’d still feel low energy and fatigued.

The issue was that what’s accepted as normal for your health is not the right thing for your body. Pizza, pasta, late nights of work, overuse of social media and cell phones, and all-nighters seem to be the norm for many people.

You’re built to move, feed your body with dense nutrients, absorb the sun rays, lift weights, run, sleep 7–8 hours a night, walk through nature, socialize, read, and rest your mind.

“A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought — they must be earned.” — Naval Ravikant

Yet, with current work situations and western culture, many of you check off perhaps 1 of those healthy habits.

You glue your eyes to the phone, stuff down a deli sandwich, and inject your veins with sugary iced coffee each day, slogging home with low energy to lay on the couch. Then, you start the cycle again the next day.

You can change this cycle. This may enrage you, but for those of you who say you don’t have time to be healthy, that’s bullsh*t. You do. If you can…

