New Cabinet Ministers that are friendly to Rwanda is a good thing for Africa’s Integration

1 min readJun 3, 2019


In a recent cabinet reshuffle in South Africa, the Minister of Foreign Affairs was replaced. There were news in South African media that President Ramaphosa was complaining that his previous minister occupying that post was complicating his foreign policy by holding an openly hostile stand towards Rwanda and Israel.

In the case of Rwanda, while Himbara attempts to link the hostility to the killing of Karegeya on South African soil, in reality the minister complained that she had been bad-mouthed by a Rwandan college on Social Media. Allegation that the Rwandan minister had not made — to our knowledge as his followers — and of which no proof was ever provided.

The advent of a new minister, Hon. Naledi Pandor, is thus welcome, just as is closer relations between Rwanda and South Africa, two brotherly nations.




This is a platform to clarify the lies that David Himbara publishes on his blog about Rwanda and Paul Kagame