Why you need a host?

David Hudson
3 min readMay 2, 2023


Why you need a host?


It’s not possible that you can host you site alone along with domain, website, clients and a server too.

Yes, you can’t handle all these thing together at one place especially you can’t host you web page on your own server. If you do so, would be signing yourself for a list of headaches which is what you exactly will not want to do so.

while managing web hosting yourself requires an expensive server along with the continuous running power supply and power backups in case of any outages so the site doesn’t get down and it keeps working smoothly. Also a static IP (Internet Protocol) address like your home computer’s IP is either Static or dynamic and along with all this, you also need to take care of hardware maintenance.

Hence this all requires a lot amount of time and also a tremendous amount of technical-knowledge to keep running your web page properly and smoothly. You also need to have good hardware device to maintain your website and to not let it down for the visitors. So, this all will be much costly as well as complicated. Since you are new to web hosting world and likely lack the technical know-how to set up and maintain the server, we strongly advise go for the hosting service instead.

Opt for the Host Provider

Hence it has been understood that every web owner need to go in the market and opt for Host companies which should be best in their services for their webpages in order to make it accessible for the common internet users.

Now the question that comes in mind is, how to select the best host provider for your particular webpage?

Okay, keep calm because this doesn’t require a lot of effort to do so. You to keep following things in your mind while you go in the market to shop a host for your page.

Memory Space

Memory Space is actually the most important thing you need to keep in mind while selecting the host for your page. First of all, you need to think and calculate how much traffic you have on your particular page. Basically the memory space is nothing more but the space that you want or a server to store the data of your users. So, technically we can say that memory space is directly proportion to the visitor traffic.

Speed and security

Speed and security is another important term. Select host which will give your maximum up time for your web page so it doesn’t get down very often.

You must check the reviews before you select host for your web site. If reviews are good then it will be quite satisfactory for you to use the particular service.

This content was originally published by Navicosoft.



David Hudson

Hi, this is David Hudson, I work as an Associate Digital Media Expert in Navicosoft https://www.navicosoft.com/,