The impostor syndrome, your biggest enemy.

David Isea
2 min readSep 30, 2022


In the software programming world, the amount of information grows exponentially, and when you have to deliver in time, you won’t have your own pace to learn, sometimes that makes you rush into a solution which leads you to not clearly understand a topic. I have come across many programmers so far in my journey inside Microverse, some of them, not everyone, mentioned how they felt like not understanding a topic or almost like their code works by magic, making them feel insecure about their skills.

The learning process is different for everyone, that’s why the education system is always, depending on the country’s culture, in constant change, they try to create a system that suits everyone, which is hard. It is important to understand that you have your pace, which CAN BE improved by study methods, like the Pomodoro technique.

The amount of information, languages, frameworks, libraries, and even those concepts can overwhelm anyone, I’m still on this learning journey while writing this, I have mentors, partners, and friends that currently work on that and they all told me at least once the same: ‘At first sight, you won’t understand a topic, and that’s ok, you need to embrace that you will learn more while you practice’, therefore if you combine that with deadlines you might felt like you skipped information or you might felt like you didn’t fully understand a certain topic, but buddy, that’s ok, you only lose when you surrender.

The impostor syndrome is when you have all those negative thoughts, they can make you give up if you listen to them, imagine they’re the devil on your left shoulder, and avoid listening to him, if someone has told Neil Armstrong in his early years to that he will be walking one day on the moon, he would never believe that.

The reward is for those who stand up against the odds, a good practice would be to think about things that you weren’t able to do before, it doesn’t need to be about programming, it could be anything, and how, with effort, you manage to succeed.

