Introduction to Ab Initio | Ab Initio ETL tool Architecture

David John
3 min readJan 12, 2018


What is Ab Initio?

Ab Initio application is a general motive data processing platform for organization-class, mission-relevant applications comparable to data warehousing, batch processing, click stream processing, data movement, data transformation, and analytics. It helps the integration of arbitrary data sources and programs and supplies entire metadata management across the enterprise.

Ab Initio solves essentially the most challenging data processing issues for the leading organizations in telecommunications, finance, insurance, healthcare, e-commerce, retail, transport and different industries whether integrating disparate systems, managing big data, or supporting trade-critical movements Ab Initio solutions are constructed and employed incredibly speedily and provide the best performance, scalability, and strong

Overview of Ab Initio:

Ab Initio means “starts from the beginning”. Ab-Initio program works with the client-server model. The client is referred to as “Graphical development environment” (GDE). The server is called Co-Operating System”. The Co-working system can dwell on a mainframe or UNIX machine. The Ab-Initio code is referred to as graph, which has received .mp extension. The graph from GDE is required to be deployed in corresponding .Ksh version. In a Co-operating approach the corresponding .Ksh in a run to do the required job.

Job Scope in Ab Initio

Ab Initio ETL Tool Architecture:

The Ab Initio is a business intelligence software containing 6 data processing products:

1. Co>Operating system (Co>Op v2.14, 2.15..)
2. The Component Library
3. Graphical Development Environment (GDE v1.14, 1.15…)
4. Enterprise Meta>Environment (EME v3.0…)
5. Data Profiler
6. Conduct>IT

1. Co>Operating System:

Ab Initio Co>operating system is a foundation for all Ab Initio functions and provides a base for all Ab Initio processes.

It runs on a variety of process environments like AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux, z/OS, and windows.

It presents following points:

• Control and run Ab Initio graphs and controls the ETL methods

• Provides Ab Initio extensions to the operating system

• ETL processes monitoring and debugging

• Metadata administration by interacting with EME

2. The Component Library:

The Ab Initio aspect Library is a reusable program module for sorting, data transformation, and excessive-space database loading and unloading.

3. Graphical Development Environment:

GDE provides an intuitive graphical interface for enhancing and executing applications. Possible without any difficulty drag-and-drop add-ons from the library on to a canvas, configure them and fasten them into flowcharts. Ab Initio GDC graph compilation system outcome within the new release of a UNIX shell script which may be executed on a machine where GDE is not installed.

4. Enterprise Meta>Environment:

EME is repository and environment to retailer and managing metadata. It has the potential to retailer both business and technical metadata.

EME metadata can also be accessed from the Ab Initio GDE, internet browser or Ab Initio Co>Op command line.

5. Data Profiler:

Data Profiler is a analytical software that can specify data variety, scope, distribution and variance. It runs in a graphic environment on top of the Co>Op.

6. Conduct>It:

Conduct>it’s a high-volume knowledge processing systems developing tool. It allows combining graphs from GDE with customized scripts and programs from other vendors.

Ab Initio provides both Graphical and command line interface to Conduct>It.

Applications of Ab Initio:

- ETL for data warehouses, data marts and operational data sources.

- Parallel daa cleansing and validation

- Parallel data transformation and filtering

- High Performance analytics

- Real time, parallel data capture


