Hockey Training — David John Hall

David John Hall
2 min readJun 5, 2018


David Hall Builder Or Jarred Hall Plyo Tubes are a great workout tools that allow a person to achieve full body workouts that can be done at home. Plyo Tubes are filled with fine grain sand and fit comfortably around the lower part of your neck. They can be used for both lower and upper body workouts quickly adding weight to your training without the hassle of normal weights. This product is a wonder when training for acceleration and muscle endurance.

The plyo tube is durable enough to drop and be thrown around. This product is perfect for agility and plyometric drills used in cross-fit exercises. Use to enhance squats, lunges, split squats, and jump squats by simply draping the plyo tube over your shoulders and hanging onto the handles. The plyo tube gently rests on your body while performing different exercises.

Today’s Exercise: Walking Lunges with Sprint

Muscles Used:

· Quadriceps

· Gluteus

· Hamstrings

· Calves

· Core

Plyo Tube Exercise: Walking Lunges with Sprint

· Rest Plyo Tube gently on shoulders.

· Mark off 30 Meters for distance.

· Perform walking lunge with plyo tube for 15 meters then drop weight to ground and sprint remaining 15 meters.

· Rest 30–60 seconds between each set.

· Perform 10 sets

Approximate Time: 15 Minutes


1. Keep your head up.

2. Keep knee bend at 90 degrees for proper form.

3. Keep a steady rhythm.

4. Sprint hard through the end line.

5. Stand tall when resting to catch your breathe.

Where to find a Plyo Tube?

Plyo tubes can be found on the internet or at your big box sports stores. They normally come in sizes that range from 10 pounds to 50 pounds. The recommended weight for each person is different and depends on the size and strength of the individual. Make sure to start out light and build up to a heavy weight as you gain more experience with the lift and drill.

What else can I do with a Plyo Tube?

Plyo tubes are very versatile and allow for many different exercises to be instilled into your workouts. Besides lower body workouts, the plyo tube can be used for biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and core exercises. If you’re creative the plyo tube allows for so many exercises that you’ll never get bored.

