Scam Alert: Universa Blockchain is scamming its ICO buyers and token holders — Part 1

David Jones
11 min readApr 22, 2018


You invested into Universa ICO, You are thinking and hoping that Universa will be a successful project so that your investment can make good profit for you because they are saying that they are doing real businesses, and Universa will be top 5.

Universa Team calls other blockchain projects scamming in their Telegream such as : Zilliqa, Tezos, Credits, Fusion, EOS, NEO ………. However, Universa is the most scamming project in this blockchain space by using Fake Universa Foundation, Universa Team and Alexander Borodich are stealing 20–60 millions ICO Fund, Universa Team has mis-used ICO Fund for private projects: HOLD hardware wallet to get personal profits, fake weekly news and much more .

Do you know that Not setting up Universa Foundation in Singapore or Swiss is the secret of making millions from ICO buyers and token holders?

Without Universa Foundation in Singapore or Swiss, it is easy for Universa Team and Alexander Borodich stealing 20–60 millions from ICO Fund and mis-using ICO Fund for personal benefits.

Please use this link to search for Universa Foundation in Singapore, and there is Not Any Universa Foundation in Singapore. Universa has used Fake Universa Foundation from ICO until now. Universa web site durng ICO is saying that it has a non-profit Universa Foundation under Singapore and Zug (Switzerland) regulation to make its ICO looking legit to scam people buying its ICO and untp tokens on exchanges (Pls use this link to view the backup version of Universa web site with Fake Universa Foundation, → )

Universa we site with Fake Universa Foundation in Singapore or Swiss since ICO 2017 until May 2018
Singapore government web site doesn’t show any Universa Foundation after searching for Universa
Singapore government we site showes Qtum Foundation after searching for Qtum

I will explain why a good and legit project has a foundation. For example: Ethereum has Ethereum Foundation, Tezos has Tezos Foundation, Qtum has Qtum Foundation.

Please read this link bellow to know why a Foundation guided and audited by PWC is important to avoid scam and fraud ICO ->

Latest News — May 5th: After the release of this article, many people have come to Telegram to ask about Universa Foundation, ICO Fund. And they have received another promise from Universa team “Establishing Universa Foundation is a ongoing process. All paperwork plus legal stuff is currently in the works, so any news about the Foundation may appear not earlier when there are any updates from the lawyers”.

My comment for the above announcement of Unviersa Foundation: All legit ICOs create a Foundation before the ICO such as Qtum, Fusion or in 1–2 weeks after ICO such as Tezos Foundation to be fair and transparent to ICO buyers. “After 4–5 months, Universa Foundation is not established yet and it is a ongoing process without any date”Is this another false promise to deal with this article? I suggest Universa ICO Buyers and Token Holders to check if there is any Universa Foundation in June or July, 2018

ICO Fund Scam: Stealing 20–60 millions using Fake Universa Foundation : Universa admin posted on reddit and in their telegram that Universa team Will NOT public total Eth, Bitcoin …. raising during ICO.

I will explain why “Not public total Eth, Btc raising during ICO” and a Fake Universa Foundation is a easy for Universa team stealing 20–60 millions from its ICO buyers and not good for any investor buying Universa tokens on exchanges.


ICO Fund Scam for personal project HODL Hardware Wallet : Without Universa Foundation, the Universa team has used ICO Fund to build their side project: HODL hardware wallet using ICO Fund to sell to buyers and collect profit for them-self. To build HODL Hardware Wallet, this needs capital and engineers, they are doing their side projects while launching a fake main net which it cannot do a simple task such as viewing your utn tokens and sending a token from account A to account B.


Fake Weekly News after ICO to manipulating utnp price to sell utnp tokens to buyers on exchanges to collect Eth, and BTC:

This account sent 54 million untp tokens to Cobinhood, please view the Etherscan link

34 Million untp tokens on Mainnet and 20 million utnp tokens on April 29 ( the day of weekly report release) to sell to token buyers on exchanges . There are many accounts like this were created and used weekly after ICO, I will give the details of these accounts soon.

Please ask yourself the following questions , read my explanation about Not Transparency, Dishonesty, and Unfair. Then you should come to Universa Telegram to ask these questions to check yourself.

Do you know why Universa mainnet launched ? And Your untp & utn price is dropping.

Do you know that Universa team is Hiding and Stealing the ICO fund to do their private businesses? I repeat again Universa team is Stealing money (ICO fund) from ICO buyers

Do you know how many engineers/employees they are hiring to develop Universa software, support, and marketing after getting the ICO Fund? is the ICO fund audited?

Does Universa Foundation exist, is it in Singapore as the team advertised during ICO?

Why Universa software is Not owned by Universa Foundation or Universa ? it is owned and copyright by Sergey Chernov, iCodici S.n.C on GitHub ?

Why do Universa advisors disappear after ICO? Other projects, the advisors are with the projects and new advisors are added.

You should think again why Universa community director said bad things about the project Before Main Net? if he kept silent he would have made good reward financially and he could sell his web site to Universa.

Do you know that Universa is not a blockchain project, comparing Universa to Bitcoin, Etherium is mis-leading and false advertising? and I repeat it is not a Blockchain project, it is a DAG.

Do you know that 30 to 100 millions utnp tokens sending from this team accounts (I am not sure) or its partners (these guys have some secret information ) to Cobinhood to sell to you before the weekly reports and Main Net launch? I will make part 2 and show you how to know this.

This account sent 54 million untp tokens to Cobinhood, please view the Etherscan link

34 Million untp tokens on Mainnet and 20 million utnp tokens on April 29 ( the day of weekly report release) to sell to token buyers on exchanges . There are many accounts like this were created and used weekly after ICO, I will give the details of these accounts soon.

It is shocking and you may not believe me because the Universa team and admins tell you that Universa is better than Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zilliqa, EOS, NEO …….. They tell you they are doing real businesses and will be the top 5.

Please open your mind and continue to read to know the hidden secrets that Universa team and admin are trying to hide.

Let’s me explain:

Block-chain is about honesty, transparency, and fair.

Let me make things clear the Universa team is not honest, transparent, and fair to you from the start of the ICO.

  1. Not Transparent and Dishonest about Universa Foundation.

I do not invest into an ICO without a Foundation because a Foundation will

A. Enforce the founders or anyone of an ICO project from not spending ICO Fund for their own purposes, their own projects, their friend businesses.

B. ICO Fund is used for the project protocol development and marketing the project only. In this case, this means ICO Fund is used for Universa protocol development and marketing only.

C. Develop & Own the copyright of the software developed by using ICO Fund collected from ICO buyers

C. and may more ….

Universa does not have Universa Foundation but the team has been lying that there is Universa Foundation in its web site during ICO period to make its ICO look legit like other ICOs such as Qtum, Tezos, Fusion …….

I have invested into many ICOs with Foundations. After checking its token metrics, I bought this ICO because it said that it had one.

4–5 weeks ago, I have found out that there is not any Universa Foundation when I checked Universa GitHub finding that the Copyright of Universa Software is owned by iCodici S.n.C it is not owned by Universa Foundation or Universa. I then talked to a member of Universa Management team and he said “there is no Universa Foundation”.

This is dishonest and unfair to you, Universa ICO buyers. Universa team is using your money to build Universa Protocol and it is owned by a company which you do not know about it. Please read the next section about how Universa Team is stealing 20–60 millions from ICO Fund without Universa Foundation

Please check the bellow link for Fake Universa Foundation at this Nov-Dec 2017 back-up of Universa ICO


To know how important a Foundation is, Please read the bellow link for the Qtum Foundation — a non-profit organization, representing Qtum’s stake and token holders, under the guidance and support of PwC (A big Auditing company)

Please check the bellow link for Universa code as for now is a property of iCodici S.n.C


2. Not Transparent, Dishonest and Unfair about ICO Fund:

They are hiding ICO Fund, stealing 20–60 millions from ICO Fund, use ICO Fund to do HODL wallet — the Universa team side project, and build private blockchain projects without benefits for token holders.

2.1 By saying $28 800 060 raised during ICO and DO NOT tell you the total raising Eth (Ethereum), BTC (Bitcoin) …. , Universa team can Steal 20–60 millions from ICO Fund.

Let’s me explain how this works

I invested into Tezos in July 2017, Tezos token price was $0.4. The Tezos raised $232 000 000 which was 65,627 BTC and 361,122 ETH. The $232 000 000 was calculated using BTC = $2000 and ETH = $200 in July 2017.

Please check this link for Tezos ICO Fund $232 Millions in July 2017


In 2018, Do you think that Tezos ICO Fund is still $232 million?

Tezos ICO Fund goes from $232 000 000 to over 1 Billion dollars in 2018 because Bitcoin price is $9000 and Eth price is above $600

Please check the link bellow for Tezos ICO Fund becomes 1 Billion in 2018.


With 1 Billion Dollars ICO Fund, Tezos project hired more employees to become a team of 30–40 people to develop Tezos Protocol in March 2018. Please check the link bellow for details


As you can see, the Tezos Foundation manages the ICO Fund which is calculated using the bitcoin price and Eth price not the dollar amount during ICO. It is transparent, honest and fair to ICO buyers and any investor buying Tezos tokens on exchanges.

Without the Tezos Foundation, the Tezos Founders can earn extra 768 millions easily by saying that the Tezos Fund is $232 millions only.

By saying Universa ICO Fund is $28 800 060 and does not tell you total raised Bitcoin, Eth, Litecoin, Dash, The Universa team is stealing 20 to 60 millions from ICO buyers, and this is bad for any investor buying Universa token, utnp, on exchanges.

The Universa ICO Fund was around 90–100 millions in Jan 2018 after Universa ICO. The Universa team got 20 millions easily by selling 50% of Universa Crypto ICO funds to collect 50 millions in Jan 2018.

The 20–60 missing millions of ICO Fund can used to do better marketing. hire more engineers to make Universa Protocol better, and listing on big exchanges to benefit you, ICO Buyers or Token Holders.

Is that fair, honest, and transparent to you — ICO Buyers and Universa token holders? It is shameful to say that Universa is a blockchain project

Tezos is delaying its main net to June 2018, and I do not call Tezos any name. However, I call Universa Team scamming because they are stealing 20–60 millions from ICO Fund.

I and several people raised the issue about Universa ICO Fund after Universa ICO. Alexander Borodich contacted me and promised to public the total Universa ICO Fund in Btc, Eth, LTC, Dash for transparency in Dec 2017. And he doesn’t do this until now, 4–5 months after ICO.

This team begged for your money during ICO by saying Universa mainnet would be launched in Q1 2018 and making false promises. With millions stealing from ICO Fund, he is currently telling anyone to sell his/her tokens if not happy. He even told this Universa token buyer ““f*** off, I have no time for that” when this token holder had questions about Universa, please check it in this link bellow


Alexander Borodich doesn’t want you, Universa ICO Buyers and Token Holders, to know to the secret of raising ICO Fund to make millions from you.

Universa main-net is released in April but it is not a complete version — you cannot do a simple task such as sending a utn token from Account A to Account B. You have to wait 40–50 days for utn distribution, and mobile wallet is delayed 80–90 days more because please fill this blank for yourself.

The Universa Team and its CEO, Alexander Borodich are violating the basic principles of blockchain: Transparency, Honesty, ad Fair.

It is no surprised to me to see UTNP price is dropping, Universa Community Director said bad things about it, and Universa ICO advisors disappeared after ICO (Who would like to have his name attached to a scamming project )

You owning utn or utnp, are knowing that the Universa team is Hiding and Stealing the Universa ICO Fund, please come to Universa Telegram to check it for yourself.

I am stuck with my UTN because it is not released yet. UNTP price is dropping while the market is up, I hope to get back my investment when my UTN is released.

I wish that you are not the one who buy my UTN when I sell it, my readers.

I suggest you, my readers, to form a group of investors to request the Universa Team fixing the issues in my article by creating Universa Foundation to public the raised BTC, Eth, LTC, Dash ... & manage the ICO Crypto Fund correctly to make this project following the basic principals of Blockchain : Transparency, Honesty, and Fair.

I wish I meet Alexader Borodich, one day and thank him for making me writing this article. Sorry for my English and bad writing skills.

PS: Universa Team is saying that I want to win for writing this article. I am writing this article for the benefits of the whole community: ICO Buyers and Token Holders. Do not believe in what this team is saying — Unless Universa Team forms Universa Foundation and is transparent about ICO Fund and other things.

2.2 Mobile wallet development in weekly reports (week 2 to week 6) are fake news. I will explain soon

2.3 Attending Mobile World Congress In Barcelona is a lie. I will explain in soon

2.4 Why HODL hardware wallet is another scamming trick to steal ICO fund? I will explain soon


  1. Nov-Dec 2017 Back up version of Universa ICO web site, it has information about Universa Foundation — non-profit,Jurisdiction Singapore, Zug (Swiss), Fund Spending Plan After ICO , Advisors . Click Here ->
  2. ICO Buyers raised concern about ICO Fund, ICO Fund Spendingg Plan , and Alexader Bodorich promised to public Total Raising Eth, Bitcoin in Decemer 2017. Click Here ->
  3. An ICO Buyer asked some questions, and Alexader Borodich, Universa CEO, told him “f*** off, I have no time for that”. He posted his questions to reddit. Click Here →
  4. copyright fix. All the code as for now is a property of iCodici S.n.C

