David Joslin Shares Ways to Get Involved with Habitat for Humanity — David Kent Joslin Sarasota

David Joslin Greenwich
2 min readJan 21, 2020


Healthcare consultant David Joslin is no stranger to helping Habitat for Humanity. During the fall he helped build a home for the future owner, Collette. On one Saturday, he says “We put up Zonts and Zuckles which support the walls and keep them level when the concrete is poured inside.” Helping Collette obtain a home in Sarasota was a fulfilling experience for him. “It was especially meaningful because she was on-site working alongside us. Her sense of pride and appreciation was profound.” For those who might be interested in volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, David Joslin has a few tips.

Contact a Local Habitat for Humanity Chapter

Although David Joslin lives in Sarasota, he explains that anyone can volunteer and do great work with Habitat for Humanity. Those who are interested in making a difference in their community and helping people should contact their local Habitat for Humanity chapter. Many people who volunteer with this organization don’t have previous construction experience. Each chapter assigns people to a project or task based on their experience and skills. Some chapters have a preservation team and will assign people for tasks such as weatherization, painting, or landscaping. Visiting the website of the local Habitat for Humanity chapter is the first step-this is where you may find information about upcoming projects.

Make a Donation

David Joslin suggests that those who are unable to volunteer and physically help Habitat for Humanity can still help by providing a donation. Many people who don’t live close to a chapter or don’t have the physical ability to help can still contribute to the cause. There are many ways to donate that don’t require monetary donations. Those who have extra supplies such as paintbrushes, ladders, or other building supplies can donate them. Of course, monetary donations are always appreciated. If individuals feel like their contribution is not significant enough, they can always organize a corporate fundraiser.

Organize a Corporate Volunteer Event

According to David Joslin, one way to get involved is by organizing a corporate volunteering event. Those who can get their employees onboard can enjoy a corporate volunteering day giving back to the community. High schools and colleges have also organized similar group events. To get started, they should contact a local Habitat for Humanity chapter and find out more about larger corporate groups. Not only will employees get to work together as a team in a new way, but they will make a difference in people’s lives.

David Joslin works as a successful senior healthcare advisor when he’s not building homes with Habitat for Humanity. David Joslin also sits on the board of InSight Radiology Puerto Rico. Before he obtained an MBA from Columbia University, he pursued an undergraduate degree at Duke University.

Originally published at https://davidjoslingreenwich.com on January 21, 2020.



David Joslin Greenwich

David Joslin Greenwich provides strategic and financial insights to companies. MBA in Finance and Accounting. Greenwich, NH