Understanding The Different Parts of a Gun by David Kenik

David Kenik
2 min readNov 7, 2019


There are a variety of guns that are available to shooters today. Among the handgun, shotgun, and rifle categories lie thousands of different guns that each have strengths and weaknesses that are unique to them. Different guns are used in different situations and different shooters prefer to use different guns. However, despite all of the differences among guns, many of the parts remain the same. Guns across the board are mainly fired using the same concept but through different systems.

Parts of the Handgun Action

The action of a handgun is the system of parts that propel the gunpowder-filled cartridge. The trigger of the gun is included with the action parts but the action also consists of parts like the hammer. There are many different types of actions.

Gun Frame

The frame of a handgun is like the frame of a car. The frame is the section that everything is attached to.

Gun Barrel

The barrel of a handgun is the section that many people know. The barrel is the horizontal tube that the bullet exits the gun from.

Clips, Magazines, and Cylinders

These terms are all different and depend on the gun being discussed, but the clip, magazine and cylinder are all homes for the bullets that are fired from a gun.

Parts of the Shotgun Stock

The stock of a shotgun gives the shooter stability. The stock rests on the shooter’s shoulder so that they can brace the gun as it is shot.


There are many different types of actions when it comes to shotguns. Like on a handgun or rifle, the action of a shotgun is responsible for multiple tasks. However, the method that is used to load a shotgun action may be different than that of a handgun or rifle.

Gun Barrel

Most people recognize a shotgun because of its long barrel. There are short-barreled shotguns but the barrels are all responsible for the same task, allowing the bullet to leave the gun in a straight path.

Parts of the Rifle Stock

There are numerous stock designs when it comes to rifles. However, they all have the same tasks of providing stability for a gun that is being fired.


Like in a handgun or shotgun, the action of a rifle loads the ammunition, fires the ammunition, then discards the spent cartridge prior to reloading a new round.

Gun Barrel

There are many different barrel designs when it comes to rifles but each barrel aims to release a bullet in as straight of a trajectory as possible.

Originally published at http://davidkenik.net.



David Kenik

David Kenik lives in St. Louis, Missouri where he focuses on firearm safety and training. Learn more about David on his website http://davidkenik.org/