Raspberry Pi 5 CPU Performance

David Lee
4 min readNov 10, 2023

Raspberry Pi machines are incredibly fun to use. They’re cheap, capable, and it’s easy to find examples of how to use them to solve a wide variety of problems. When the Pi 5 was announced on September 28 I couldn’t wait to play with it.

The power-hungry Raspberry Pi 5 (photo by author).

I started by measuring CPU performance, since most of my projects are CPU-bound. Below I compare the Pi 5 with a variety of other machines including a recent Intel 13th gen, the SiPeed Lichee Pi 4A, the Microsoft/Qualcomm SQ3, the Apple M1, older Raspberry Pi models 4 and 3 B, and a ten-year-old Intel i7–4770K chip.

For the benchmarks, I used one app written, built, and run in a variety of environments. The app is simple — it proves that you can’t win at tic-tac-toe if the opponent is competent. It evaluates the 3 unique opening moves using the minimax algorithm with alpha/beta pruning. 6493 board states are examined. Variations include:

  • Native assembly versions for each target CPU. I’m sure the code could be further optimized, but I tried to take advantage of each CPU’s instruction set and registers. Variations include Arm32, Arm64, RISC-V 64, and AMD64.
  • Native assembly versions for the 6502, 8080, 8086, and RISC-V 64 CPUs run in various emulators: NTVAO (6502 + Apple 1), NTVCM (8080 + CP/M 2.2), NTVDM (8086 + DOS 3.3), RVOS (RISC-V 64 + Linux). All of the emulators are written in C++ and built using the target platform’s native compiler.
  • A C++ version of the algorithm. I used the platform’s default compilers — Microsoft for Windows, clang for MacOS, and Gnu for Linux distributions. Gnu and clang can target Windows and they generate much faster code (often >20%) than Microsoft’s compiler. But I went with what most folks are apt to use by default.
Runtimes for various benchmarks for each CPU.
Runtime details including the last column with the official Pi 5 adapter (5.1V 5A), which enables better multi-core performance than a generic 5V 3A adapter.

The Raspberry Pi 5 is significantly faster than prior versions of the Pi. This will enable many new Pi solutions; I can’t wait to see what comes of it.

A few notes on the benchmark results:

  • All times are in milliseconds for one iteration of proving you can’t win at tic-tac-toe.
  • I used a 5 volt 3 amp adapter for the Pi 5. It wants 5 volt 5 amps and displays a “low voltage” error in the notification area of the screen with my adapter. Official adapters are available from Pi 5 vendors, but they are scarce right now. And I couldn’t easily find generic adapters that deliver five amps. The dozen USB adapters in my house all deliver 1 to 3 amps at 5V. It’s possible the Pi 5 underclocks when it sees a lower-power adapter, so once I get the real adapter the benchmark times may improve. Update: The official Pi 5 adapter is 5.1V at 5A. Using this adapter, I no longer get the “low voltage” warning. Single-core performance is the same, but 3-core performance is over 11% better. I added a new column to the table above to reflect this.
  • The Pi 5 is a little more than twice as slow as the Apple M1. That’s actually really fast.
  • As mentioned above, the Microsoft C++ compiler for AMD64 is worse than the clang and Gnu compilers. But the performance gap for Arm64 is even wider. The Microsoft/Qualcomm SQ3 runs the same Arm64 assembler code at roughly the same speed as the M1 but C++ apps are dramatically slower. This makes the Pi 5 more competitive with Windows machines even though it has a less powerful CPU.
  • The Intel i7–4770K is ten years older than the Pi 5, yet even with Microsoft’s slower compiler it performs much better.
  • The table shows runtimes for the RVOS emulator running a nested version of the RVOS emulator. Here the Pi 5 greatly outperforms prior versions of the Pi mostly because emulating a 64 bit CPU on a 32 bit machine is expensive. I’m sure the Pi 4 with a 64 bit OS would perform better than with the 32 bit OS.

These benchmarks reflect performance for scenarios important to me, and it’s clear the Pi 5 is much faster than prior iterations. Now I’m off to try to find a better power source.

(Note: source code for the tic-tac-toe implementations is at https://github.com/davidly/ttt. Code for the emulators can be found at https://github.com/davidly/ntvao, https://github.com/davidly/ntvcm, https://github.com/davidly/ntvdm, and https://github.com/davidly/rvos.)

(Note 2: In the 1970’s I built 5V power supplies from parts purchased at Radio Shack to power projects I built with TTL chips. It seems I need to build my own 5V power supply all over again 50 years later.)

(Note 3: I purchased an Anker USB power supply that can deliver 5V at 4.5A. The Raspberry Pi 5 still shows the “Low Voltage Warning” notification and performance is no better.)

(Note 4: I ran the Arm32 version of the assembly app on the Raspberry Pi 5. Its times are .0919 and .0407 for 1 and 3 threads. That’s slower than the Arm64 version (Arm32 has fewer registers than Arm64), but still about 2x faster than the Raspberry Pi 4.)



David Lee

Seattle software engineer, adverb, seeker of musical transcendence. he/him/cis/white/straight/old/ugly/dull