How to Start a Dropshipping Business — Step By Step Guide

David Vu
17 min readAug 26, 2022


You undoubtedly want to learn how to start dropshipping if you want to generate money online. Dropshipping is a fantastic method to make substantial money with little investment, and for good reason.

That does not imply that launching a dropshipping business is simple. You must take the proper actions and exercise extreme caution when establishing your business for success.

If you do it well, you’ll be rewarded with a reliable passive income source. It truly is among the best ways for novice business owners to enter the eCommerce industry.

This manual will walk you through each stage of getting started with dropshipping. You may start a successful dropshipping business as soon as you follow these instructions.


With dropshipping, the vendor accepts and completes orders without keeping any inventory.

Customers order through the dropshipping store in the dropshipping business model, and a third-party supplier subsequently ships the order to the client.

When you use dropshipping to sell a product, the buyer pays you the suggested retail price. The difference is pure profit, which you pay to the third-party provider in addition to the wholesale price.

You are in charge of running a website that offers the products and takes orders under the dropshipping business model. You get to pick the products you want to sell, pay for shipping, and decide on prices that provide you with a healthy profit margin.

You don’t need to handle any products or keep any inventory, which is the main advantage of dropshipping. All you have to do is create a dropshipping website and register an account with a supplier.

Additionally, coordinating deliveries and product fulfillment are not concerns of yours.

Dropshipping is a great way to generate passive money online because it has such a low barrier to entry. If you only have a small amount of cash available, it’s a terrific method to launch your first online business.

Dropshipping is a fantastic way to grow your present online business’s product selection without having to scale up production or warehousing.


Dropshipping doesn’t require managing any inventory or completing orders, unlike conventional eCommerce. Thus, dropshipping eliminates a significant amount of the labor-intensive aspects of operating an online store.

Dropshipping is also a more economical and risk-free approach to start an internet business because you don’t have to buy any stock up front. To start selling products, all you need is an eCommerce website.

It’s the ideal business plan for a side business or for anyone looking to start their own business. Dropshipping is also possible from anywhere in the world as long as you have access to the internet.

You have access to an infinite number of dropshipping business ideas. When you launch your own online store and choose a dropshipping partner, you’ll realize just how many different products are out there. This means that virtually any niche may be filled with dropshipping.


Discovering a supplier is the first step in learning how to start dropshipping. Two strategies exist for doing this.

  • You can search a dropshipping supplier database like AliExpress or Alibaba.
  • Use your store’s backend to access a built-in directory of dropshipping suppliers. For this, you might make use of a platform like Oberlo.

A successful business strategy requires selecting a dependable, high-quality supplier, which we’ll go over in more depth later.


There are nine fundamental steps to launching a successful dropshipping business. Anyone may start making money through dropshipping if they follow these procedures.

This is what you need to accomplish.


Online, there is a lot of chatter about how simple it is to start earning six figures with dropshipping without working.

The reality is that dropshipping takes tremendous dedication and a lengthy time before you can start earning real money.

Dropshipping is not impossible to earn a significant income, but it will take time and effort before you can sit back on your yacht and watch thousands of dollars pour into your bank account.

Therefore, the first step in learning how to start dropshipping is to establish reasonable expectations for your business and have a long-term perspective toward it.

To accomplish this, you must be realistic about the investment you will make in your dropshipping business. One of two options is time, and the other is money.

Let’s separate these two.


The fact that dropshipping is practically free to start is one of the most alluring benefits. To bootstrap a dropshipping business, you must, however, be willing to invest a significant amount of effort.

The main investment for beginning dropshipping business owners should be time.

Most people begin dropshipping while they are still employed at their 9 to 5 jobs. This is a smart strategy because it’s not always feasible to take six months off to launch your internet store.

Even though every business is different, after investing around 10 to 15 hours a week into it, you can start to make roughly $1000 to $2000 per month after a year.

Dropshipping will help you succeed more quickly if you give it your entire attention. Marketing must receive a lot of attention if dropshipping is to be successful, especially in the beginning. It may take a while to complete this.

It will take at least 12 months of full-time employment to start producing an average $50,000 income through dropshipping.

Although it could seem like a lot of work for a modest return, keep in mind that dropshipping takes far less time after your website is set up. You can swiftly scale your website once it is up and running and making a profit without putting in countless additional hours of labor.

Additionally, it’s critical to consider the equity value you’re creating when establishing your dropshipping firm. Not only are you adding another source of money, but you are also establishing a website that you can eventually sell.

Why Time Investment in Your Dropshipping Business is Important.

The greatest way to expand your dropshipping business is by investing time into it because…

  • You will have a complete understanding of how your business operates.
  • You’ll have a deep understanding of your market and consumer base, which will enable you to make wiser business decisions.
  • Starting from scratch will provide you a ton of invaluable new abilities for your dropshipping business.
  • You won’t waste money on pointless endeavors that won’t contribute to your business’s growth.


The alternative is to put a lot of money into your dropshipping business if you don’t have the time. Money may help you get started more quickly, but it isn’t the greatest strategy.

A person who is vested in the success of the business is essential when launching a dropshipping business. This person needs to get their hands dirty and start the business from scratch. Any small firm may use this mindset.

If you pay too many other people to do it, you’ll be paying developers, programmers, and advertising firms. Any earnings you are making will disappear very fast if you do this.

You’ll also lose out on a lot of the knowledge and abilities you’ll need to manage your firm and come to better business judgments in addition to losing money.

That being said, you are not need to accomplish everything while launching your dropshipping store. Although you may always hire a professional to complete a task you find challenging, you should aim to avoid outsourcing all of the work for your dropshipping store, especially if you’re just getting started. You may easily and affordably outsource your marketing chores by using a service like Wishpond.

How Much Cash Is Required to Begin Dropshipping?

Even if you should strive to handle everything yourself, you’ll need a modest financial reserve to launch your dropshipping business. Anything between $200 and $1000 will work well.

Small operational costs like web hosting and dropshipping providers will be covered by this money. Additionally, you’ll have to pay incorporation fees (more on this later).

Even if you’re prepared to work hard and do it yourself, you’ll still need money to launch your dropshipping firm.


Choosing a niche is the next stage in learning how to start dropshipping.

One of the most crucial and challenging products of starting a dropshipping business is coming up with product ideas.

This entails conducting in-depth market research, gaining an awareness of the competitors, trends, and your niche’s profitability.

It’s wise to concentrate on a market that you are familiar with and genuinely interested in. This will make working the long hours on your dropshipping website much less difficult.

Additionally, you need to confirm that there is a real market need for your products and that the competition isn’t too fierce. Always strive to be as specific as you can. You may do this to focus your audience, which makes marketing lot simpler.

Another smart move is to concentrate on hot products. By doing this, you’ll be able to develop traction and discover an audience more quickly than if you were up against established, huge businesses.

Examples of specialized concepts might include:

  • Yoga equipment.
  • Cute canine attire.
  • Equipment for workout enthusiasts.
  • Surfing equipment.
  • Infant products for new parents.

How to Choose a Dropshipping Market

You may uncover and validate your dropshipping idea using a variety of tools and methods.

A helpful tool for determining whether a topic is moving upward or downward is Google Trends. It also displays the times of year when the product is most in demand. To find out how many people are interested in your product idea online, simply type it in.

The monthly search volume of the keyword you’re aiming for can be seen using free keyword research tools like Wordstream or Ubersuggest. To find out how popular anything is online, just search in your product or topic.

Keep in mind that while high search volume indicates a lot of potential clients, it also indicates a lot of competition. Although your audience will be smaller if you find a term with low difficulty, it will be far less competitive.

E-commerce has become incredibly popular. There are more prospects for dropshipping as a result, but there is also a lot more competition.

Before choosing a dropshipping strategy, always conduct extensive competitor research. To sway the audience, you should consider what the industry leaders are doing and what you can improve upon.


The next stage in learning how to launch a dropshipping business is to conduct extensive competitive research once you’ve determined what to sell.

You must be aware of your rivals’ identities and activities. This will assist you in developing a more effective marketing plan to distinguish your dropshipping firm.

In dropshipping, a high level of competition typically indicates that there is a market for the product. Approximately five other dropshipping businesses and two significant players, such as Amazon, should be left on your list of competitors.

Find out as much as you can about these businesses. Recognize their costs, the way their website functions, their marketing strategy, how they describe their products, and what clients have to say about them.

Keeping all of your competitor research organized in a spreadsheet is a fantastic strategy. In this manner, you can quickly make strategic judgments using the spreadsheet.

You may rapidly research which competitors use email and how they use it if, for instance, you want to employ email marketing to promote your firm (which you should do). This will assist you in developing an effective email marketing strategy.

How to research your competitors for dropshipping.

There are a few efficient strategies to research your competition while dropshipping:

Start by searching for your products and specialization on Google. Start with a straightforward search word, such as “yoga mats,” if you offer yoga mats. Make note of the top 10 rivals and what they’re doing to rank for that search term.

Utilize social media to monitor your rivals’ activities. Take note of the social media channels where they have the most followers and engagement, as well as the content they post.

Additionally, look up Facebook advertising related to your niche and the leading companies. Utilize this knowledge to determine how your business may seize opportunities and differentiate itself from the competition.

Join email lists: Join the email lists of your competitors to receive information directly from these businesses. Take a look at their marketing methods, the bargains they offer, the material they promote, and the frequency of these actions.

Competitor spy tools: You can use tools to find and keep track of your competitors’ internet activity. This is a fantastic approach to get a thorough understanding of the many internet channels, top traffic sources, and sales strategies used by your competitors.


The most important choice you’ll need to make when learning how to start dropshipping is probably which supplier to use.

Products are supplied by your supplier, who then ships them to clients. Your dropshipping business won’t exist without a supplier.

It’s crucial to choose a dependable provider who provides products of the highest caliber and distributes them quickly. The reputation of your business could suffer if you work with the wrong provider. This translates to negative reviews, which will rapidly scare off any potential clients.

No matter how effective your marketing plan, a poor supplier will prevent your dropshipping business from succeeding.

Oberlo may be connected to your online store using ecommerce platforms, making it simpler to identify suppliers.

Oberlo is a marketplace that can assist you in finding products to sell online. This includes all types of globally accessible products with high profit potential. Simply locate the product you’re looking for and add it right away to your store.

You don’t need to do anything because Oberlo sends all orders to your supplier automatically. Simply set up the products and wait for the orders to come in.

To find products, the Oberlo app searches AliExpress. Always look for products that provide ePacket shipping as an excellent tactic. Shipping products from China to nations like the US, Canada, or the UK is now more quicker and simpler with the help of this alternative.


You’ve selected your products, studied the market, and have a supplier in place. The time has come to begin closing sales.

The next thing you need to start a dropshipping business is the appropriate eCommerce platform. You can sell products here, collect payments, and send traffic here.

The choices for building an eCommerce store are numerous. It’s critical to select one that complements both your technological expertise and the needs of your business.

For assistance in locating the top eCommerce tools and platforms, consult our guide.


You are now prepared to start dropshipping and making money by selling products. Well, nearly. Creating a legitimate business entity is always a smart move when beginning a dropshipping business.

Here is a discussion of three typical business models even though we are unable to provide legal counsel.


The easiest business model to use is this one. A sole proprietor is when one person operates the business.

You have no personal liability insurance if you operate as a solo owner. This implies that your personal assets aren’t shielded if your business is sued.

The filing procedures for a sole proprietor are straightforward, and you record your business earnings on your personal taxes.


An LLC helped secure your personal assets by establishing your dropshipping business as a distinct legal entity. Compared to a sole proprietorship, this offers you more security.

You may have to submit additional paperwork as an LLC and pay incorporation and reoccurring fees.

Understanding the specific rules that relate to you is vital because different states have varied LLC regulations.


The most liability protection is provided by C corporations. This is how most large corporations are organized.

Due to the fact that income does not travel directly to shareholders, they are more expensive to set up and are liable to double taxation.

Which type of business structure is ideal for dropshipping? Although we are unable to provide legal guidance, the majority of small business owners choose a sole proprietorship or an LLC. Since it provides a fair balance of personal liability protection, independence from personal resources, and cost, an LLC is typically a wise choice for a dropshipping business.


Your dropshipping business will need to have an employer identification number, per the IRS (EIN). This serves as your business’s social security number.

To file taxes, apply for a wholesale dropshipping account, create a bank account, and perform other business-related procedures, you’ll need an EIN. Here, you may easily request an EIN number.


Get your finances in order even if you’re just beginning dropshipping as a side business. When launching a firm, so many entrepreneurs combine their personal and corporate funds. This is a serious error.

It makes keeping up with accounting much more challenging. If you’re audited, it could result in the personal assumption of business liabilities, which is bad news for the IRS.

The best course of action is to register distinct accounts in your business name. You’ll require a:

To manage all of your business’s funds through one account, open a business checking account. This account should be used to deduct all costs and credit it with all income. Accounting is now lot easier to handle.

Having a credit card you use only for business costs and dropshipping inventory purchases is a fantastic idea. Because you’ll be purchasing a lot of supplies, you can accrue some amazing points with the appropriate credit card.

The following are a few additional crucial factors to think about:

  • Taking in sales tax
  • Requesting a business license locally
  • Establishing a business outside of the US

These are relevant to various individuals and dropshipping businesses located in various locations. Before you begin selling, be sure you are in compliance with all local business laws and regulations by understanding them.


Your dropshipping store is now set up and ready to operate. There is only one issue: you require clients.

For your dropshipping store to be successful, you need a solid dropshipping marketing plan. You must distinguish yourself from the competition and guarantee that you are interacting with your potential clients.

The good thing is that dropshipping is largely automatic. You can spend the time saved on inventory management and order fulfillment on developing a very effective marketing plan.

Here are a couple methods for doing this.


Where will customers turn first when looking for a new product? Google. You may drive a lot more traffic to your dropshipping store by making your content highly prominent on search engines.

You may generate a steady flow of traffic to your online store with content marketing. This traffic is free and has a high likelihood of making a purchase. The finest long-term approach to continually attracting new clients is this one.

Create a blog about your dropshipping niche and post engaging, pertinent, and useful information that will appeal to your target market. When doing this, make sure you have a fundamental understanding of SEO.

In addition, you can launch a podcast, concentrate on social media material, and more.


This is the quickest approach to get a lot of traffic to your store and attract new consumers. The only drawback is that it costs money.

The best ways to target a particular audience without spending a lot of money are through Facebook and Google ads. You may take advantage of people’s impulse buying tendencies by using these adverts, which are simple to scale.

A fantastic site to test out shopping advertisements that target particular long tail keywords is Google. Run advertisements when you first start out. If you don’t, your store will likely be well below the established competition.


Your dropshipping business will have a certain specialization in mind. Fortunately, this means that communities will already exist around this niche.

Online forums, Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, and Reddit are just a few of the places where you may find a lot of discussion in your field. Join in on these discussions. Promote your products strategically while adding value.

Avoid being overly pushy when making sales; instead, cultivate relationships and raise brand awareness. Your target clients are all over these networks, so a little interaction can go a long way.


At the moment, influencer marketing is enormous. For B2C brands, it can offer a terrific ROI. Additionally, working with the appropriate influencers might be less expensive than using traditional advertising.

Locate influencers in your niche and work out an agreement to have them advertise your products. Offering an affiliate relationship is a fantastic choice because it will save you money up front.

Naturally, make sure the influencer you pick appeals to your target demographic. Additionally, high engagement rates are typically preferable to follower counts when hiring an influencer.


One of the finest ways to promote your dropshipping store is through email marketing. Email can be used to advertise your content, send out discounts and other special offers, and revive abandoned shopping carts.

To conduct email marketing, you’ll need a reliable platform and an email list. Offering subscribers something of value, such as high-quality content or a limited-time discount, will help you grow your email list.

These are but a few of the digital marketing options. Make sure you keep an eye on their performance to determine which channel is most effective for you. To reduce marketing expenses while increasing income, your marketing approach should be regularly adjusted.


Even if the entire dropshipping business concept is automated, it still isn’t a set it and forget it strategy.

Every so often, review your dropshipping business’s performance, keep an eye on important metrics, and consider how to make improvements.

Long-term business and income growth can be achieved by regularly reviewing and improving your website.

To keep an eye on the effectiveness of your website, use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Check your traffic volume, source, and SEO performance to see how effectively they are working.

Additionally, you should use your social media outlets to monitor social media performance and the volume of visitors these channels are sending to your website.

Establish specific KPIs for your dropshipping store and keep an eye on them. You will then be able to make decisions for your dropshipping business that are supported by statistics.

These choices will eventually assist you in expanding your modest dropshipping firm.

Among the crucial areas to keep an eye on are:

  • Sales: Which products and consumers perform the best, and which channels account for the majority of your sales? This will assist you in deciding how to allocate your advertising money for maximum ROI.
  • Profits: Which products are the most lucrative? How do your monthly sales and profit margins fare?
  • Customer behavior: How do customers convert on various pages? Where do they buy their goods? What equipment do they have?


Dropshipping is so popular among business owners because it’s a low-risk, low-investment venture. Dropshipping may be started from anywhere in the world, and if done properly, it can bring in some big cash.

If you follow the above instructions and put in the necessary work, dropshipping could soon provide you with a reliable passive income. If you execute it correctly, it might result in complete financial independence through one of the simplest ways to make money online.


What kind of profits can you expect from dropshipping?

There is no cap. High-ticket dropshippers might earn $200 to $3000 in their first month of business. Many dropshippers profit from their dropshipping store to the tune of $100,000 annually.

You may earn a lot of money from dropshipping if you properly set up your store and identify the perfect niche.

What does it cost to launch a dropshipping business?

Technically, you could launch a prosperous dropshipping business with just a dollar. Dropshipping can, however, be started with as little as $280 to $1000. This is required for marketing, web hosting, registering a domain, etc.

Is it simple to start dropshipping?

It is true that anyone may start a dropshipping business with little capital, but it will take some time and work to get your dropshipping business off the ground. In order to build up an online store and create digital marketing strategies, you will also need some technical competence. In general, dropshipping is perhaps the simplest approach to start an online business.

How can I launch a dropshipping business?

Stick to your plan for a dropshipping business.

  • Pick a dropshipping market.
  • Do a competitor analysis
  • Identify a dropshipping vendor.
  • Establish a web store
  • Organize your business
  • Establish your finances.
  • Publicize your dropshipping store
  • Examine and enhance your dropshipping operation.

How can I locate the top products for dropshipping?

The niche you select is crucial for dropshipping success. Find a market niche with little competition and lots of interest and demand. Finding successful products that you can sell rapidly will be much easier with this.




David Vu

A young online marketer who loves music, guitar, and playing around on the magical internet machine. He is the founder / owner at