David Marz
2 min readMay 16, 2016


I understand that there were rules and procedures — however as an observer of the on stage actions and activities (I was seated 4 rows back in the middle, as a rural delegate), it was apparent that any effort to have an effective dialog, between the Sander’s team of supporters and the chair, had eroded far before the start of the convention , and likewise apparent were calls for division of the house that went unattended.

I agree that the raucous manner from a portion of the delegation was rude and disrespectful — however the disrespect displayed by at least two significant members of the on stage ECommittee (watch the tape and view those actions: Chair and Tall blue shirt dark hair gentleman) were disrespectful, demonstrating that they were not going to allow any significant dialogue about rules, committee reports, or the platform.

This situation was created when the ECommittee decided to in act rules that made any opportunity for discourse, for all intensive purposes, impossible — had the chair and ECommittee simply acknowledged the difference of opinions, sought methods to overcome the communications issues, and demonstrated attempts at fairness I believe the first uprising would not have happened, and there would have been a method for significant discourse — which would have appeased many Sanders supporters.

To put this on the Sanders organizers is unfair, yes there was a problem at the convention, but had the Chair and the ECommittee sought methods to open up the lines of communications between the three sides (ECommittee, Sanders group, and Clinton group) ahead of time I do not believe this situation occurs.

The problem with the Democratic Party in Nevada is symptomatic of the nationwide problem — the appearance is that leadership is not transparent in many efforts dealing with fair play and effective communication — this will result in a loss of Democrats in the state of Nevada. This is what the ECommittee should have been thinking about — we have an election in November and all those disenfranchised people from the convention will take more Democrats with them. That isn’t going to bode well for Nevada as a blue state.

In the essence of transparency I am a Sanders Delegate from the Nev Dems Convention.

