David Michael Gilbertson
3 min readSep 14, 2016


There are a lot of myths about personal training for someone who doesn’t intend to run a marathon or compete in weight lifting.

At 3 Elements Lifestyle, we design our programs to meet each client’s individual needs. We understand that fitness centers can be intimidating for those who haven’t exercised in a while or are just starting out to improve health and wellness.

Which is why, beginning a new exercise regime…or coming back…personal training is an excellent way to get on the right road to fitness designed just for you.

At 3 Elements Lifestyle, we:

1. Evaluate your current level of fitness. We start our personal training relationship with a full evaluation of where you are today. Have you been exercising? Do you play tennis, walk or swim? Have you been ill, or never did any sort of formal exercise?

2. Help you create your own goals. This is not a competition. It’s not up to us to tell you what your goals should be. This is your fitness journey and we are here to assist you along the way.

3. Evaluate your current condition. We begin this journey with exploring your current fitness level. We want to know you and understand what you are comfortable and capable of doing today so we can create a map for tomorrow.

4. Ensure proper form and weight. Our personal trainers are highly skilled and professionally trained. At 3 Elements Lifestyle, it is very important to us that our clients are taught the proper form and use of equipment that will help them achieve their goals without injury or undue soreness.

5. Teach you how to build a fun, long-standing exercise regimen. Doing the same exercise routine for a long time can get boring and that is the fastest way to lose interest and enthusiasm. We know that which is why 3 Elements Lifestyle trainers help to design multiple combinations of routines you can “mix and match” to keep your program fun and refreshing.

Our commitment to you does not stop when you decide to “go it alone.” Whether you have one meeting with a trainer or sign-up for several, we are always available to you. Your well-being is our highest mission.

To learn more about our programs or if you have questions, contact us anytime. We are happy to help you.

David Michael Gilbertson is the founder and president of 3 Elements Lifestyle, LLC., a Fitness and Weightloss company that specializes in YOU!. With more than 15 years of experience owning, operating and managing clubs of all sizes, David lectures and delivers seminars and workshops on the practical skills required to successfully help you with your health and fitness goals. David also helps you build the teamwork, managment and training neccassary to open your own fitness center. Visit his Web site at: or email at or call 805.499.3030

