David Montgomery
1 min readJul 29, 2017


I see you’ve caught the “facts allergies” virus that’s spreading through the Radical Right.

Your hero dumped another tweet storm this morning complaining about 8 (eight!) Democrats not allowing his “win”. Eight radical lefties apparently are doing more winning and possess more power than the combined GOP Congressional majorities and a GOP White House.

North Korea? Afghanistan? Syria? Upcoming budget bill and debt ceiling debates? Nope, he’s holding poorly attended ego-boosting rallies, encouraging law enforcement malfeasance, encouraging staff chaos and tweet storming. You know, the really important stuff.

Trump has yet to win a single significant piece of legislation, let alone enact any major campaign promise, and you’re off ranting about emotional radicals and rewriting the Freddie Gray story.

Your eager acceptance and agreement with Trump’s speech to law enforcement clearly indicates you welcome submitting to authoritarianism Putin style. You seem trapped. Caught between two unthinkable choices. Which is worse? Continuing to double-down supporting Trump, or the realization that you’re supporting the least qualified candidate to ever occupy the White House?

