David Montgomery
1 min readAug 1, 2017


Quoted from a NYT editorial summarizing British failure to recognize their own national mediocrity:

"The paradox is summed up by two women I interviewed recently. Both were single mothers living on benefits they denounced as far too low. Both had voted for Brexit. Both believed there were too many foreigners here. And both were scandalized when I asked whether they would take vacant jobs in cafes or shops.

“They’re immigrants’ jobs,” one said."

The irony is real. Americans of a particular stripe rail against immigrants stealing jobs. Here’s some truthiness about what is probably happening with illegal immigrants being rounded up.

Why isn’t the DHS prosecuting the employers and enablers of illegal immigtant workers. If there are no jobs, illegal immigrants have very little motivation to cross the border.

This is treating the symptom, not the disease.

