Kundalini science part 2. Secret teachings of the order to cause a kundalini awakening and activation. The E sound

David Murali Cowan
2 min readFeb 20, 2024

Kundalini science part 2.

☆ Secret teachings of the order to cause a Kundalini awakening and activation.

The E sound

What is kriya yoga? These are movements and sounds observed by experienced holy men. These actions were recorded in the past, written down, or passed on to the senior in-line student. The various activities of the kriyas (purification actions) were internal spiritual cleansing. It was thought they caused rapid development for the yogi — the various actions actually number in thousands. I am focusing on 3 in total because these 3 can help someone on their journey. This particular action is the “E” sound. You chant “E” during mediation or before. It’s a short mantra or sacred sound. What does it do you ask? It purifies your inner light body and helps to remove blockages. Surely someone has mentioned it before right? Well, let’s look at the secret mantra of the Cathars, AEIOU. Do you see the “E” there? Yes the “E” sound is not just a yogic kriya, it’s also a Gnostic mantra. Will it help me in my practice? Yes, it will help you reach into the inner core of the chakra system and help purify the inner spirit. Is there anything else I can do to enhance my practice? Yes, you can take a shower…



David Murali Cowan

I am third level Crown chakra activated and I blog about Gnosis